The Chaos Chronicles with Taylor Cecelia Brook
The Curiosity Chronicles
D 🧔🏻‍♂️, Trees 🌿🌿, and Måneskin 🎸🎸

D 🧔🏻‍♂️, Trees 🌿🌿, and Måneskin 🎸🎸

The One Everyone Has Been Waiting For.... JK

The song that made me realize I couldn't let D go


hello and welcome back to the curiosity chronicles i am your host taylor cecilia


brooke and with me today i am super super excited to have a very special guest my


very very wonderful sexy hot amazing fiancee d say hi d hey how's it going guys


I wanted to bring him on here today because I thought it would be really fun for


you guys to see kind of how just how our relationship flows.


Plus, he's had a really interesting life and I am always curious to learn more about him.


So first, I want you to kind of like introduce yourself.


I know everybody hates it when people say, tell me about yourself.




you know,


for people who don't read my Substack at all and only listen to the podcast,


they probably have no idea who you are.


All right.


Well, my name is Devin, 30 years old.


I am a father.


To Iz, you're Iz's dad.






Iz is my kid.




And, shoot, I mean, I'm a Marine Corps veteran.


What'd you do in the Marine Corps?


Oh, I was supply logistics for nine years.


You did way more than that.




That's like just the tip of the iceberg of what you did.




Nine years, three different units.


First unit was 2nd Tank Battalion, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.


Second unit was VMU-1 in Yuma, Arizona, a little bit in 29 Palms.


And then third unit was INI, being an inspector instructor at Evansburg PA Truck Company.


And somehow we never crossed paths because you were in that whole time.


Because you got out in... 2021.




So you just never crossed your path.




That's super crazy.


So you're in the Marine Corps.


You're a dad.


And now what do you do?


Now I'm one of the managers over at Shields.


That's opening up in Tulsa.


No one knew that I lived in Tulsa.




Well, no one still knew.


They just knew I worked in Tulsa.


Yeah, well, actually, it's not a big deal.


I don't give a shit.


You look at my name, you can see everything on me.






I'm kind of just,


at this point,


the minute I put my book out there,


it's going to have your last name on it.




So it's like, the minute I put the book out there, everybody's going to know everything about me.


So it's like, you know, and Joey didn't care about having his name out there.


Yeah, I'm not too worried about it.


But so, yes, you work at Shields.


We live in Tulsa, unfortunately.


It's not all bad, but it's definitely not sunshine and rainbows.


And we would definitely like to be living somewhere else.




So, you know.


It is what it is.


We're both kind of, well, I'm stuck here.


He's not necessarily stuck here.


I'm stuck here.


I'm stuck here because you're stuck here.


Aw, you're so sweet.


That's just the truth of it.


Yeah, we're stuck here for four years.


No, 13 more years.


Holy shit, my kid got older.


I forgot about that.


Oh, yes, this is an episode featured...


With trees, we are having trees on here.


I don't know how Substack is with the legalities of all of that.


We are in a legal state, but I know I need to be careful because, you know, people are stupid.


So if you hear that coughing, any of that, that's what's happening over here.


We thought it would be fun for you guys to see us, like, honestly, properly in our truest forms.


Although I think our truest forms is probably when we're tripping on mushrooms.


Yeah, probably.


Fun fact, that's when he told me he loved me.




His eyes literally looked like an anime character.


They were so huge.


He was like, I could literally see in his eyes.


He was like, oh, fuck.


Did I really just say that?


Because I wasn't divorced yet.


We were not going to have a relationship.


And we definitely had started to develop feelings.


Yeah, we were telling each other we loved each other, just not using those specific words.


Yeah, what did we say?


You mean so much to me.


You mean a lot to me.


What was the other one?


You make me happy.


Oh, yes.


You make me happy.


Oh, you make me so happy.


Yeah, which is not much different than I love you so much.


So fucking much.




We just kept following that line.


But yeah, so our two, our two on themselves.


Now I will say that there's probably going to be a lot of digressions and I'm going


to try to be the best fiance and podcast host possible and not interrupt you too


many times when you're talking.


Oh, it's just giving them a view into the real world.


I just stuck my tongue out.


They interrupted me.


I was about to say the same thing.


literally did what you said i do oh my god it's like you know me just a bit just a


bit yeah okay so you work at shields you're in the marine corps you have a daughter


yes i mean technically you have two more now but i have a daughter and a daughter


and a daughter and a daughter yeah


And then we have our boys.


We have the two boys.


And Zussi is yours and Shepi is mine.


And now they're all yours.


I was going to say, they're both kind of mine now.


Yeah, fucking Shep just like straight up was like, oh, I don't know who you are anymore.


And just fell in love with Daddy.


It was ridiculous.


He is what Daddy's for.


He really is.


He doesn't even come close to smiling at me like the way he smiles at you.


I know.


And when I come home, he gets so excited.


I literally was talking to my therapist about that,


how like watching them really helps put in perspective like things that I can be


grateful for because they're so fucking thankful that you're just home petting them.


I know.


You should be more happy when I come home and pet you.


You should know that I am.


There's so many things I can't say right now.


Got to keep it semi.




Well, no, it's marked as 18 plus.


Yeah, so if you're under 18, fuck off.


Yeah, it's probably not a good idea for you to listen to this one.


But anyway, what were we talking about?


We were talking about... Okay, so we have the Dodgers.




We have the boys.




There you go, the two dogs.




And... They're near 200 pounds of dog.


Yeah, for real.


That like to lay on top of us.






And get more ankles.




I can walk those, too, by myself.


Well, yeah.


They're well-behaved boys.




Shep wasn't always well-behaved on a leash.




He's doing a lot better all around.


Oh, yeah.


Motherfucker doesn't jump fences anymore.


I'm better than I was.


I know, for real.


You're probably going to start fucking barking.


Okay, so many think that it was Kara Allwell that introduced me to subject, but it wasn't.


It was actually you.


Yeah, I mean, it wasn't like a super detailed introduction.


It was just you were talking about writing.


And so it reminded me of the Joe Rogan podcast where the founder of Substack was on


there and talking about how he was really trying to make a platform for writers.


Yeah, that was the interview with Chris Best, I believe.




Cause I don't know if he's interviewed Hamish or not.




I don't know,


but that was actually the podcast that made me want to start my podcast like that


because I really enjoyed the way they talked with each other,


but he also brought up Chris brought up,


he's like,


no one really does this.


That was in their podcast.


So I thought that was, that's kind of what sparked this idea for all of this, but, okay.




So, yeah, it was you.


But why did you think it would be a good platform for me?


Oh, I mean, it just seems like they actually care about the writers more than just trying to make money.


Now, I mean, it's a business still, so I'm sure, you know, there is the business aspect of it.


But, I mean, it really seems like they care about the writers.


They're wanting to give people a platform to express themselves.


It seems pretty cool.


So I brought it up.


Well, I appreciate it because it has been a huge awakening for me.


Just all the doors that have started opening because of it.


I feel like that's just the link itself.


theme with my life with you.


All these doors just keep opening up, and it's like, oh, because I'm finally with the right person.


Yeah, I'm just passing along information.


You're the one putting in the work.


Yeah, but you're still passing it along.


Of course.


You're still listening to what I'm saying.






It's not always like that for other people.




Or with other people.


Oh, I can't speak for them.




I just try to do what I can.


You do.


You definitely do.


But you're divorced.


I am divorced.




So we both are.




And we both said we wouldn't ever get married again.


Also correct.


I tried.




Yes, you did.




You should tell them how you proposed to me and why you chose Lynn.




May is a big deal for us.


It's a big month for us for some reason.




What's that?


I don't even know where to start.


I mean, because I had planned it out quite a while ago.




Oh, yeah.


I asked Isabella and Lucy both ahead of time.


You asked Lucy?


And she kept a secret?




Oh, yeah.


She is Emma.


I'm so proud of her.


Yeah, that one I was worried about.


Because I don't like... You know... I think I just said it was a surprise, though.


I didn't say, like, don't tell your mom.


I said it was a surprise.


Yeah, and she's a really... She really...


Surprises are a big fucking deal to her.


Yeah, she loves them.


I know.


And it was.


It was a surprise.


It was a surprise.


I was so not expecting it.




But anywho, so, yeah, talked to them, contemplated talking to your father.


Still kind of kicking myself that we didn't.


I didn't know about the Kansas cabin.


I would have freaking invited him out there or something.


That would have...


But, so, anywhoos.


So, we had our date.


You're going to have to remember.


The date we went paintballing.




The date we went paintballing.


Yeah, we went and, because it was technically my date.


It was my date to plan.




So, we went and got tacos.


Yeah, which were amazing.


They were amazing.


And then we went and paintballed, and I got fucking hammered on margaritas.


And hammered by paintballs.


By paintballs, yeah.




black and blue everywhere for a while made me regret you taking me paintballing


well i mean you know i knew that would happen i just sometimes it's hard for people


to grasp the concept of what happens when i make those choices yeah it was a little


crazy but but we went paintballing we had uh it was hot dogs and stuff right hot


dogs and hammers but i don't


I didn't eat anything.


Did you eat anything?


I can't remember if I ate anything.


I don't feel like you ate anything because you got food later, way later that night.




So, but you definitely partook in the margaritas.


Oh, yes.




I think three.




And they were not like.


They were not bullcrap margaritas.






They were.


Fucking strong.


Why did I not say bullshit, but then I said fuck?


Can't help you with that one, hon.




You say fuck a lot on your podcast.


Oh, I know.




You say fuck a lot, so it's okay if I say it.


Of fucking course.






So, yeah, paintballing, margaritas.


Then I was worried that you were too drunk to propose to.


So what did you do?


I suggested we go get french fries because you love french fries.


And they do what?


Sober you up.


And he knew that.




It's just, like, he knew that about me.


And how many times have we gotten, like, drunk drunk together?


Not very many.


No, just a couple.


Yeah, and you still remember that.


You still knew that.


Yes, because I tried to pay attention to you.


I appreciate it.


Of course.


Okay, so we got French fries.




Over strategically by where we were going.


But we had to come home first.


Because we had to give back Bauer.


That was the first time Bauer stayed with us.


Yes, so we had to give back a dollar bill.




And then we went to get french fries.




Or was french fries?


Yeah, it was after because we had the french fries when we got to the park.


Yes, yeah, we did.


That's right.


It was a park on a river.


Yes, there's a beautiful river walk.


And it was a perfect little setting.




It really was.


It was so nice that night.


It was, like, the sky was dark, dark.


The moon was so bright.




And there weren't very many lights on either.




There were just a few lights, just enough to where you could really see.


And we walked down there.


There was a snake.


There was a snake.


I forgot about the snake.


Yeah, there was a snake.


I kind of chased it off.


You did?




And then somehow I got tangled in.


What was that?


Fishing line.


Yeah, you got tangled in that clear little fishing line.


I still don't know how it happened because I obviously never saw it.


Not that that's saying much because I'm, you know, night blind and I was definitely still drunk.


And so I got down on a knee to, you know, help you get out of the fishing line.


And then I pulled out a ring.




And I was not expecting that.


And I said what, which made you nervous.






I completely forgot everything I was going to say.




i think i just basically said i love you so fucking much will you marry me probably


i don't know i was so like my brain wasn't processing anything you could have said


a thousand things and i probably still wouldn't have processed any of it yeah


because i was just so like fucking over the moon that that this was actually




Yeah, I was going to do a whole thing.


You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world.


I know you couldn't do this life without you.


You make me whole.


I feel like we've gone through this life before and another life.


It was a whole little thing in my head.


And as soon as I got down on one knee and I realized that that was the moment I was


going to do it,


my heart was beating so fast.


It did not help that I said, shut up.


Yeah, that's what you said.




And I was like, oh, that just threw everything off too.




Yeah, and I was 100% doing like a clueless shut up, like Valley Grill 101 right there.




But I was so drunk that everything was just like.


Yeah, you get very California girl when you're drunk.


I know, or when I'm super high.


Yeah, but only like certain ways.


Oh, interesting.


Like, yeah, it's more like, I don't, yeah, different consumptions.


You have kind of different reactions.


Oh, do tell.


I don't know how detailed I can go on here.


As detailed as you are.


Well, you said they're weird about that.


I don't know if they're... Oh.


Just use... So, like, when you're using the water pipe... Uh-huh.


It is very different than when you do the dabs versus when we chain smoke joints.




Or just hit the pen a bunch.




Like, your reactions are very different.


So, what...


Pen gets you air-heady.


And then joints, you wanted to either talk a ton or eat a ton.


I know.


I always want to eat a ton.


We literally had to make a rule that he has to help me enforce.


You literally did it last night.


Yeah, I didn't feel good about it.


No, and it's so... It was one of those moments... I feel like a pet from my fiancé.


No, it was... I'm telling you not to eat.


No, that's because you are... You're a good fiancé.


That's what I needed because I didn't need any food.


I did need the pickle juice, which was literally what I needed.


It was so perfect.




I didn't actually need any food.


I wasn't actually hungry.




And you remembered and you also remembered even when I say no or say I want it anyway,


you have to,




stand strong because that's one of the things we've been trying to work on with


each other,






holding each other accountable because that's what real partners do.




We make...


Yeah, we make a lot of, you know, decisions while we're smoking.


And then when we're sober, we do not enforce them, even when sometimes we should.




We've been doing a lot better with that.


Oh, for sure.


It's still challenging with the whole food thing.


The food thing is the most challenging thing,


and it has been the most challenging thing probably for most of my adult life.




Like... Just knowing your history and everything, it makes it really...


It feels like a lot of weight on my shoulders when I tell you, like, don't eat.


Because I don't want you to, like, ever think that it's anything coming from me.


It's coming because you told me.






So what's really interesting is all of a sudden it was,




I obviously rewired this,


which is incredible.


But, like, you...


doing things that make me a better person, make me the person that I want to be, you know?


Like, you're holding me accountable because I want to be held accountable to who future Taylor is.


Like, the person she wants to be has to do those things to get to be that person.


And I don't get there by self-sabotaging myself,


which is literally just what I'm doing with all of those other things.


And drinking...


Like, tonight, I'm going to get pounded and we're done.


We're done.


Yeah, I think you want to get high one last time and then done.


I did quit for a month, though.




No, I was just using that as an example because that's, like, a very common thing.


Yeah, I know.


No, you in no way are addicted to alcohol.


No, I actually, I was thinking about it.


I think it has to do with the carbonation.


Well, that's not good.


Go get a fuzzy water.


Yeah, I know.


I think it's because it's different than the fuzzy water and it's different from soda.


I don't know.


I think you like the effects of alcohol, too.


I mean, if we're being real.


It's probably because I'm not so afraid of throwing up anymore.


Yeah, and that allows you to enjoy alcohol more.




Yeah, I'm just with both of your parents drinking so much.


That's the only thing that gets me...








which is why I'm like,




I don't want to continually...




didn't you get that lemonade for me?


I did, but you said you weren't going to drink it.


Not last night.


Maybe I'll drink it in the future.


Okay, that's fine, too.


Then I won't.


But anyway, what I was saying is, wow, huge digression.




What I was saying is you hold me accountable.


And I have never before had a partner that truly holds me accountable that isn't my female best friends.


And even then, like, you know, the main one.


so like she does but um I've never had the ability to be okay being held


accountable so that's the other aspect like it doesn't feel like a personal attack


because you're literally doing what I asked you to do


Yeah, we talked about it ahead of time.




And it's like, I know he's not doing it because you are wanting me to feel a certain way.


You're only doing it because that's literally what I told you to do.




So that was really cool just to start realizing a lot of that stuff.


Like the other night when I don't know what I did.


I did something.


And you're like, that wasn't cool.


I was like, oh, you're right.


I'll do that again.


I'm sorry.


And that was that.




And I said, thank you for pointing that out.


Which, a year ago, that would not have been the case.




For me either, though.


Like, I think we're both getting better at communicating.




And by doing that, it prevents a lot of other drama and bullshit.


Like the fucking butter incident?


What was the butter incident?


You remember we had a whole fucking like multi-day fight over... Not a fight.


It was just like... It was a fight over how much better I put on the Pop-Tart.


It was not a fight because I was not aware.


Yeah, that's me.


I was not aware I did anything wrong.


So... I didn't know you called it a fight in your head even.




I mean, I was coming at you with a fist in my head, so... Right, I was just unaware of what I did wrong.


Yeah, and you didn't understand why I was so pissy.




I was just having a war.


Until this day, until right now, I didn't know it was multi-day.


Yeah, that sounds about right.


I think... I said something recently that, like, I thought I couldn't pretend...


And it's not that I couldn't pretend.


It's just that I spent most of my life living a pretend life in my head.


Because I was so wrapped up in everything internally.


And... I could literally make myself believe anything.


That's crazy.




I think almost literally.






So, like, having...


So you would just substitute reality with whatever you made up in your head?






It wasn't always consciously.




Yeah, that's the worst part.


No, I'm very aware of it now.


Because, like...


My brain every now and then still wants to go there.


But now I know.


So I'm like, no, we're not going to do that.


Yeah, you like stop yourself from like creating a false reality sort of thing.


Yeah, which just causes me to go insanely internal.


Because it's not a healthy false reality.




It's a very dysfunctional false reality.


That's so interesting.




There's so many things where...


I thought back on them and I was like,




they definitely were not doing what I thought they were doing.


Oh, it's the thing where you jump to conclusions, but you jump to the wrong conclusions.


Or I feel personally... I thought they were personally attacking me.


That's a huge one.


Yeah, all of that kind of stuff.


That's something we've run into a lot.


Oh, yeah.








this is recent that I'm finally,






Not the false reality stuff,






The jump into the...




they're attacking me versus they're just...




Because that's a multi-faceted trigger right there.


Like, there's, like, multiple reasons why I do that.




It's so...


But, yeah, it's really interesting that I am capable of doing that.


I now understand what my grandpa meant when he said that I have a very vibrant imagination.


Oh, it wasn't the compliment like he thought it was.


I think he meant it both ways because he did find the minds of sociopaths and psychopaths


fascinating and he worked with schizophrenia patients and bipolar patients so where


do you fit in there no OCD ah yeah with an overactive imagination because I'm a


girl and that's apparently what girls do yeah I mean you're not quite the typical


woman though ooh how so


That sounds so interesting.


I mean, I think just generally, like, you're a lot more outgoing and adventurous and open.


You don't seem to have a very closed-off mindset, except for when you're in certain moods.


You get into these stubborn little moods where...


Nothing no one says, nothing anyone says will change your mind.


But that's okay, because I think we all have that.


Oh, for sure.


I know I do that when I shut everything off.


Oh, yeah, you definitely have a lot of those.




But that's okay.


We've also learned that, like,


I think we've learned pretty well that there's a lot of topics,


not a lot of topics,


but there's a few key things that we don't quite see eye to eye on,


but that's okay.


We don't have to, it's nothing like.






because I think it's like anything else,


you know,


like a little bit of difference is a good thing.


Yeah, for sure.


You know, just a jelly and jelly sandwich.


At least they should.


Peanut butter and jelly is where it's at.


Lou will eat a jelly sandwich.


I'm pretty sure I also could give her a mayonnaise sandwich.


She is 100% my kid.


She didn't like the sandwich I packed the other day at her lunch,


but she licked all the mayonnaise off the bread.


It is a ketchup sandwich, so.


I love that.




I think I knew that, because that's why she gets the hot dog bun, so she can do it.


They both did the corn dog thing.




That's so crazy.


So weird.


What's the purpose?


I don't know.


They're so funny.


And they're so funny when they're like,


conspiring together i know i love watching them like work together i know i can't


wait to watch them get older together it's gonna be so much fun yeah when and for


uh and for a time yes we are there is gonna be so much attitude in this house yeah


there already is i know i know it's already a lot


Like, every single thing Lou does right now comes with a sigh.


I know.


I'm like, what the fuck?


And she death looks me so good sometimes.


Oh, yeah.


She definitely got that one from me, too.


I know.


She gives me just the meanest, serious little looks.


And I'm like,


it's almost hilarious because it's like,


it's so mean,


but it's attached to such a little person.


I'm like, oh, no, you're going to beat me up.


I have.


There's a few pictures of her when she was,




really little and then,




around 18 months and two and a half of her making that face.




She's been able to make that mean mug from day one.


I wonder who she gets that from.




And do you know who I get it from?


Your mom?






Well, luckily I don't think they're listening, so... No.


I mean, but she already knows I get my RBF from her.


Yeah, she has it rough.


Oh, she knows.


She's very aware.


I think she gave me a warning one time about it.




Yeah, I think she said something like, I know I look grumpy, but I'm not always grumpy or something.


I look angry, but I'm not always angry.




Yeah, yeah.




I don't know if hers is worse than mine.


Oh, yeah.


Oh, okay.


Well, that's good to know.


I think that makes me feel a little bit better.


Oh, good.


So we are 33 minutes in.


Yes, we are.


How long are your podcasts normally?


Your videos are pretty short.




So when I have people on, they've all been like...


around the first one was 40 minutes because we got cut off by zoom oh no yeah it


was super shitty i'm gonna have megan back on because i have some workarounds now


um and then yeah so like 40 minutes to an hour okay so it's up to you though oh


i'll go as long as you want i'm feeling great right now and i'm just rambling


that's what she said




I mean, you do make me ramble sometimes.




Sometimes you do.


Yeah, you speak other languages sometimes.


Wait, was that English?


I would just keep going.




Wait, do I really?


Do you think all the things that you yell out are words?






I mean, unless I'm just yelling.


Because sometimes I'm just yelling.


Okay, yeah.


I'm probably talking about those sounds.




You make different sounds.


Like, it's not English.


Yeah, it's been compared to Chewbacca before.




I know.


It's not like Chewbacca at all.








That's good.


What kind of Chewbacca?


At least not with me.


That's good.


That's very good.


Sometimes I feel like I sound like a cow.




That's good.




I mean, an injured cat maybe, but not... Somehow that's so much better.


Oh, I know.


It's just a joke.




I mean,


I knew,


I will say that,




you evoke things from me that have never been evoked in my entire life.






Yeah, that's right.


I love you so much.


I love you.




So, there's two ways we could go with this next.




We could go more on the relationship-y side, or we could go more on, like,


the conspiracy theories you believe side.


Oh, God.


Or, like, the future we want to build.


Or I can just ask you 20 questions.


Just ask me questions.


I think that'll probably get... Like, what is the purpose?


Like, what's your goal with this podcast?


To get to know people more, to learn more things, to have a space for people to...


I meant this one specifically.




Sorry, I don't think we actually went over that.


Because I said it doesn't really, like, I just chat.


Like, there's never any, like, real agenda.


I kind of just let things.


Right, I understand that.


Like, that's, like, how it goes during the podcast.


Like, this has been literally us chilling.


Yeah, for sure.


In bed.


Yeah, we're literally in bed.


We are sitting up.




I'm sitting up more now.


You are.


But, like, was the goal to get them to know me?


Was it to talk about our relationship?


Yes and no.


It was more, like, I'm open to all of that.


I just didn't know how comfortable and how much.


And, like, I don't want to, like,


four people out of their mind by us, like, being mushy-gushy over each other.


Well, here, just ask me 20 questions, and I'll do my best to answer them.




And then, have you answered a bunch of questions about yourself on here?


I have not.


Okay, so ask away, and I will ask away.


Oh, I'm so excited about this.




Given that you're colorblind, how does color impact the way you see life?


So that's a hard one because I've only known how I see things.




So to me,


I see all the colors that are there because I don't know,




I don't think I could see differently,


you know,




like what green is to me,


it's probably not green to you,


but that's all I've ever known.




That is green.


Does it, is it still as moving?


So like if someone's looking at something that's very like colorful or the colors like,


like in a painting,


is it the same for you?


I think it is to some extent.


Because, again, bright colors, I believe, are still bright colors to me.


It's just my max brightness, maybe it's lower than yours.


Probably, yeah.


But to me, when I see something that's crazy colorful or something, it's still...


colorful to me because that's all i've ever done yeah okay maybe i don't see all


the shades or all you know quite the same level of detail yeah like the difference


between sunshine yellow and butter yellow right a lot of those especially if


they're close to each other they all kind of mesh together um


But I can still see, you know, the yellow.


Or like when I see a sunset, it still looks very bright and vibrant and colorful.


Okay, that's what I was wondering.


It's probably just...


different yeah like i've never quite seen the sunset that has evoked crazy emotions


so maybe there's something there but you know and they have those they have those


glasses right right and i think the glasses you have to get like the lenses that


are for your specific version of color blindness oh i'm sure and there's a few




I know I'm red-green,


and I think it was like blue-yellow or purple-yellow,


but I would have to do their little quiz.


Because what do you see purple as?


I believe it's,




it's purple to me,




I mean,


you've seen it when I get,




pink and purple confused.


That's true, yeah.






So, to me, I guess.


Reds are really hard for you.


Yeah, reds and, like, red green is, I think, the main, the main.


Yeah, which is so interesting because you wear a lot of green shirts, but they look fantastic on you.






Is that why you wear a lot of green shirts?


I think it's just habit from the military.


Oh, yeah.




That makes sense.


It's kind of the same color as my undershirts were, so I just feel comfortable wearing them.


Yeah, that makes sense.


That makes sense.


Those shirts are so soft.


Yeah, I am a creature of habit.


I mean, I'm the same way.


I wear the same thing.




If I'm not leaving the house, if I can get away with wearing a dress, I will.




You know?


That is true.


Like, that was my preferred clothing option.


Yeah, I'd never wear dress.




I just hate pants so much.


Unless they're workout pants.


And even then, like the workout leggings, I'm super picky on.


Like you are with your shorts.


Like your Under Armour shorts.


Oh, yeah.


I'm super picky about pants.


Because like the waistbands.


Oh, I know.


That's why half of them don't have waistbands.


Those are my pajama pants, which is almost worse.


Except for I really wish I could get like 20 more pairs of those.


orangey pinkish victoria's secret ones that i have oh yeah if i could get like 10


pairs of those and that's all i had it would be perfect literally perfect no i like


your little button up with the shorts oh yeah those are good too i've got a lot of


those now i know they're magical i was telling katie about that because god damn it


okay she's probably fine with it


And this is what happens when we just start talking about thinking.


Yeah, exactly.


Okay, so that's the colorblindness.


Question number two.


It's your turn to ask me a question.


Ooh, that's true.


Okay, so what has been your favorite part about being on Substack?


Oh, just the fucking people I've met.


Like, 100%.


I have so many friends now.


I literally... There's this one woman who literally feels...


so motherly to me.




In such a good and healthy and positive way.


And I'm so excited to interview her next week.


Oh, that's awesome.




But I just met some really, like, really fucking cool people.


And, like, Megan, that's how I met Megan.


And I swear we are related somehow.


Like, somehow.


It's crazy.


Because we are so similar.




She literally called me her favorite.


Called me her favorite.


I'm her favorite domestic hoe.


Because she had this whole thing about cauliflower and how she hates cutting it


because all the things go everywhere.


And I was like, I should have said professional domestic hoe.


But I said domestic hoe popping in.


Just cut off the stem and then you break it.


then it doesn't make a mess.


And she was like, how, how have I never thought about that?


I'm totally going to try that.


But yeah, it's just really cool.


The people, the people are really, it's amazing.


That's awesome.


I am so elevated right now.






It's my turn, right?




I don't think we're going to get to 20.


No, probably not.


That's okay.


We can talk as long as we want.


I can break it up into two episodes if we want to.






It's probably going to be until I get hungry.


I'm cool with whatever.




All right, question number two.


Okay, question number two.


What has been your least favorite date we've been on?


Oh, I think I know the answer to this one.


That's a tough one.


That's a really tough one, actually.


What did you think it was?


The fucking night where I failed to plan basically anything and the whole date fell apart.


I almost don't count.


We just ended up at Nola's.




Which, by the way, if you're ever in Tulsa, you have to go to Nola's.


It's 100% one of the best restaurants I've ever eaten at.


And I've eaten at a lot of restaurants around the United States, Canada, and London.


Yeah, I mean, Nola's one of the top restaurants for sure.


Yeah, you've eaten at a lot of places too.


Yeah, I mean, I've eaten all along the East Coast and a little bit West Coast.


Like all the Southern West Coast.




Like, you got the real good Mexican food.


Oh, yeah.


You had really good Mexican.


Oh, I bet.


I bet the tortillas were on fire.


Oh, yeah.


And then the meat.


Oh, my God.


Oh, yeah.


And then the homemade sauces.


Like, they didn't make it anymore.




It was... I miss... There was this burrito place.


Literally, my mom contemplated...


sending my sister with a, like a dry ice cooler or something.


So she could bring back these burritos.


They're that good.


Oh yeah.




They're, they're just, oh my God.


question I didn't I don't think you know I asked you a question about what is your


least favorite date and you said oh it didn't count you didn't really count yeah I


don't really count that necessarily as like our dates because our dates are a lot


more planned out and you know well it was supposed to be because we did end up


going to the shooting range yes just a different day yes um so I would say least




That's a hard one.


I really enjoyed our date.


I know.


Me too.


The... Oh, no.


This one's easy.


It was the... OKC... Oh, yes!


It was the OKC...


The concert.


The concert.


The fucking concert.


Oh my god.


That was awful.


The whole thing.


It was like, what, like a hundred degrees that day?


It was so hot.


And humid.


And humid.


I chose to wear a skirt.


We were sitting on a lawn.


We didn't have chairs.


We did not prepare nearly enough.




The music was not great.


No, it was because I bought the wrong tickets to the wrong concert, which is so frustrating.


That's totally a move you do, though.




That's how I got locked out of the house the other day.


Like you said, spacey.


It happens when I'm sober, too.


It's very frustrating.


yeah so that i mean the ice cream almost salvaged it almost but it's still like we


let the concert like yeah if that if that it was like we didn't even stay for young


and the giant like because i didn't want to i was like i'm so hot this is not worth


it and like i got to hear talk perform the one song that i wanted to hear


And he's not best life.


I'm sorry if he somehow ever hears this.


He was probably going to get better because he's new.


And it was literally 100 fucking degrees outside.


It was so hot.


They were playing in the amphitheater.


Yeah, that was definitely the worst day.






Okay, your turn.






Which direction do we want to go?


What was your most favorite date?


You stole my next question.


My most favorite date.


Probably the one where we got engaged, to be honest.


Okay, that's a good one.


Yeah, that's fair.




That was a good date, though.


It really was.


I had a lot of fun.


I think the most funnest, though.


The most funnest?


Yeah, the most funnest.






We've had some really, really fun dates.


I know.


Like, we've gone to the fucking comedy club and saw A.J.




I know, that one was pretty sick.


We... The go-karting?


The go-karting.


Oh, that might be... That might be, like...


The axe throwing was up there for me, too.


I know.


You definitely enjoyed that more than I did.


But I enjoyed how much you were enjoying it.


And it was still a lot of fun.


And it was like... I just leaned into being shitty.


Which works for me.


I kind of like that gig sometimes.


I think...


You did not lean into it because you got super grumpy because you weren't very good.


Did I?




That's on track, yeah.


Yeah, you're super competitive.


It's so frustrating because I suck at a lot of stuff.


Only, like, physical things.


Yeah, which is frustrating when your partner is good at physical things.






It's so frustrating.


Kind of just naturally good at it.


I know.


That's how I feel about the other stuff.


I'm naturally good at that.


The physical stuff, I am not, which is interesting because my dad is, but, oh, my mom's not.




I feel like you take after her quite a bit.




I did get my dad's hair, though, which is cool.


That's where I get the curly hair from.


Oh, that's cool.




My grandma's hair was so curly.


Okay, so I answered your question, right?


You did not.


You said the go-karting might be it, though.


Well, no, I said, oh, the most funnest, yeah.


The most funnest.


Yeah, probably the go-karting.




i really want to go somewhere where we can go faster or have less people maybe yeah


we will definitely look into once the weather cools down a bit oh for sure yeah


would not be i literally like got a sunburn i think


When we were out there when it was hot that one time with all of your coworkers.


And it wasn't even that hot.


I know, exactly.


But they're just, like, sun suckers.


They really should put solar panels on those things.




I'm really surprised they haven't figured out how to make,




paint that has,




Solar panels in it?


Yeah, like, flecks.


I don't really figure out how to put fucking glitter in paint.


They put it in house paint now.


Glitter doesn't have any technology in it.


I know, but I think it's going to get there.




Roll on solar panels.


Maybe one day it will be a thing.


That would be so fucking cool.


We're officially at stone.


Yeah, we are.


I feel a little bit like Rick and Morty.


God, that would be a fun podcast.


Rick and Morty podcast.




Or even just getting to talk to the guys who do the voices of them.


I'm pretty sure it was, like, a pedophile.




Yeah, I think that was the whole thing.




Why are all the cool people pedos?


I don't know.


Because, like, that's what What's-His-Face was from... What's-His-Face.


Again, all the cool people are pedos, so you gotta be a little more specific.




I mean, that was Bill Cosby.


You forgot Bill Cosby?


No, I didn't forget about him.


How can you forget about him?


He tried to defend himself.


Very poorly.


I just don't know his name.


The guy from the ranch in that 70s show.


Oh, I know who you're talking about.




I don't know his name.


Okay, we should move on.


All right, is it your turn to ask a question?


I think so.


I think it's my turn to ask a question.


All right, I say we ask one more question and we call it because we're... One more each?


Yeah, one more each.


Okay, I like that idea.


I'm getting very hungry, so that's perfect.


Tell me everything that you can remember that made you fall in love with me.


Oh, goodness.


All right.


How long do you have?


All right.


So I'm going to get mushy.


I pretty much have to get mushy to answer this question.


I think that's fine.


As long as you're fine with it.


I'm fine with it.




You're cooking.


You're cooking.


all because the cinnamon rolls yeah the cinnamon rolls did it the cinnamon rolls I


brought him cinnamon rolls on Christmas day yeah I drove all the way to this house


to bring him cinnamon rolls yeah all the effort you put in like driving cinnamon


rolls out to make Christmas day like the way you make me feel when I'm with you


The sex.


Oh, my God.


Like, still mind-blowing.


Still mind-blowing.


Holy fucking shit.


I mean, it's just everything.


Like, you remembering little things for me.


You going out of your way to just...




little things,




you bring me lunch when I forget,




you give me space when I need it,


you make me happy when I'm sad,




there's really never a time that I don't want to talk to you or tell you,




about everything or just exist with you,




As long as I'm around you, I'm cool.


It doesn't really matter what we're doing.




I love you so fucking much.


I love you so fucking much.


You're right.


I feel very lucky to be yours.


I feel very lucky to be yours.




Last question.


It's yours.




I feel like it has to be a really good question now.


What's your favorite color?


I'm just kidding.


I was like, that's obvious to literally everyone.


Yeah, that's true.




It's pink, by the way.


Yeah, and like if you don't know, it's pink.


I'm literally wearing pink heart glasses right now.




And I have hot pink nails and a pink watch and pink toes and a pink water bottle


and a pink crochet hook and a pink charging cord.


Yes, there's lots of pink.


You should feel bad for me because there's two little girls that live here as well.


But one of them loves turquoise, which is fucking fantastic.




And pink.


And pink.


Because there's tons of pink everywhere.


There is tons of pink.


She also really likes purple.


I'm super outnumbered, guys.




Lou's favorite color changes on the rig.


We thought the color question wasn't going to be good.


No, ask me a real question.




When did you realize you loved me?


When did I realize I loved you?




Oh, no.


Let's see.


Good question.




I think...


I know the moment, I just don't know when it was.


When was the moment?


So I was driving, and I was listening to The Loneliest by Måneskin.




And I just started crying because I was like,


This can't be him.


I can't.


No, this can't happen.


I can't.


I don't want that to be him.


I didn't want to have to let you go.


But eventually I was going to have to let you go.


Yeah, because you were married.


I was married and you did not know.


You did not know until I moved in with you because I'm kind of a fucked up person sometimes.






I love you.


And I love where we're at.


Me too.




But, yeah, that was that.


And then Christmas came.


And I don't know what it was,


but you being alone,


not going anywhere,


not having any meal,




that really bothered me.


I noticed that when you showed up.


When I didn't tell you.


And I also didn't tell you that I'd been making a blanket for you for, like, three months, I think.




I planned for that.


Like, sometimes my brain works.


Yeah, it's just crazy that you were making a blanket for three months for your booty call.


Yeah, that was when I realized I was like, oh.


This is so much more.


And I think the feelings all started to kick in after, like, when we went to go pick up your motorcycle.


That pretty much was my moment.




Yeah, three hours with you, just talking and listening to music.


And just, it was a beautiful day.


And then I got my motorcycle and rode it like two and a half hours home.


And then you still took the time to,


even though you needed to go get Iz,


you still took the time to give me my payment,


which required putting things in bags.




And you still took the time to do that.


Yeah, of course.


And I think we might have shared part of a joint.


Oh, for sure.


We always did.


We did.


We really... I don't think people realize how much of a pothead I am.


Oh my goodness.






It is... It is intense.


Yeah, not as intense as our sex, though.


No, not nearly there.


Okay, it's time for me to go eat, and I'm so excited because we're having sandwiches.


I'm weird, and I love sandwiches, and that is great, because you love sandwiches, which is also great.


I do.


Grandma's texting me.


Okay, that has been another episode of the Chaos, or the Curiosity Chronicles.


Jesus, there's too many Chronicles.


I'm going to have to get that shit together.


Thank you, babe, for joining us.


It was so much fun.


I always love talking with you.


Of course, baby.


Thank you for having me.


You're welcome.


And we, and I, will talk to you next time.

The Chaos Chronicles with Taylor Cecelia Brook
The Curiosity Chronicles
Hi, I'm Taylor—writer, chaos creator and tamer, Master Unfucker, and your guide through the tangled web of life's beautiful messes. Join me while I write and talk about everything real & raw in my life and on a journey of empowerment, laughter, and maybe a little spice.