In October of 2021, I visited my best friend and her daughter. My best friend and her husband also experienced child death with her son Liam living only one week.
We had been friends before he died, so when that happened, we developed an instant kinship that could not be broken by even multiple states and hours.
I wanted to go see her and I had some time in my life to do so, so I set out to go see her in October 2021. Lu and I flew down to see her, and at this point, Lu is a fabulous travel partner. She's been flying since she was lil!
Anyway, one of the days, my best friend had to go work her morning shift at the garden center. So I stayed home with the girls and her husband…
This is where one normally inserts a scene that leads to cheating. But oh no. Ohhhhh no. That is not what happened.
What happened was.
He asked me if I wanted to take a shower.
But not in the way our filthy minds work.
No, he was offering to watch lucy while I went upstairs and took a shower.
My ex didn't let me shower if lucy was awake. So this was a legitimate luxury for me.
And the amount of gratitude I felt for this man by simply offering to watch MY child for 20 mins so I can shower… and it hit me.
My husband would never do that. Ever.
And that was the beginning of a very long internal period of mine. I went so deep and so far into my head.
Her husband only made it worse when he:
It took all 4 of us to PetSmart to look at fish so the girls weren't stuck inside all day.
They took us to get lunch at Chick-fil-A but drove us home so we could eat in a chill manner.
Unloaded and loaded the dishes and the laundry without being asked
Did this all on the same day.
Now. ladies and gents. Let me make something clear. NOW I understand that my ex was not a good husband for me. But, before this, I just thought all husbands were like this.
They were not.
And that, my friends, is how my best friend's husband “caused” my divorce. No, what he did was help me open my eyes up finally.
Taylor Cecelia Brook
I had similar insights when I saw husbands behaving lovingly with their wives. I thought that's so nice...why don't I have that? There are better men out there. We have to believe we're worthy of something better first though.
not how i expected that to go! glad you were able to see the light