The Chaos Chronicles with Taylor Cecelia Brook
The Curiosity Chronicles
Welcome to the Curiosity Chronicles
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -7:41

Welcome to the Curiosity Chronicles

I think I like the word Chronicle lol


All right,


welcome to the Curiosity Chronicles with me,


Taylor Cecilia Brooke,


your guide through life's crazy insanity,


your master unfucker,


your chaos coordinator,


and the boss bitch you didn't know you needed.


I don't know if any of that's actually true, but I want to feel that way.


So we're just going to go for it.


So the whole point of this podcast,


I'm just going to give you guys a little bit of a rundown about what I'm going to


be doing here.


I got inspired because Joe Rogan, I know, don't come at me for that.


I was listening to him for a different reason.


But someone asked him if anyone, literally anyone, has been able to recreate what he's done.


And you know what, guys?


I'm going to fucking do it.


No one has been able to do it.


No one has been able to do just what Joe Rogan does, which is just fucking bullshit with people.


And I love bullshitting with people.


And he said that the literal point of what he does is curiosity.


Like he has all these people on his podcast because he's genuinely curious.


Well, guess what?


Curiosity is literally like my bread and butter.


I am so curious.


My human design literally talks about how much of a curious human being I am.


which I find super interesting because my whole life it's been like this.


I am digressing.




Super digressing.


That'll be a very common theme in this podcast because if you're curious,


I have attention challenges sometimes,


but not all the time.




Anyway, anyway, so this podcast, I don't really know what I'm doing.


So I'm just trying to fucking do shit.


And like, if there's something that you want me to look up and talk about, let me know.


And I will, because I will look up literally anything.


I love absorbing information.


If you go back through my history,




one of my posts talks about how I have a deep,


intrinsic need to uptake information.




this goes from anything to why Boeing's planes are having so many issues to should


I invest in Bitcoin or stocks or both.


to what kind of fucking substitutes can I use for cream of mushroom soup?


Like literally anything.


I want to know as much as I possibly can.




Because it's so much fun.


So what I'm going to be doing here is I'm going to be talking about shit that I find interesting.


Maybe I'll read some of my book stuff because again, this is the Curiosity Chronicles.


So if you're curious about the books that I'm writing, let me know.


But I'll probably be releasing a little bit just because it's going to be,


curious for other people.


They're going to be like, hmm, I want to learn more.


I want to hear more.


I want to know more.


Because in this day and age, that's what we are.


We are information absorbers.


We're fucking sponges at this point.


So like we might as well do it for the good and not like just absorb bullshit.


Like I used to spend so much fucking time on TikTok.


I hardly ever go on there now because like all you do is doom scroll.


All you do is sponge and soak up bullshit.


Like there's nothing that you can get on there that is positive that you can't get


in a bajillion other formats.


It's replacing social interaction.


It's replacing education, blah, blah, blah.


And don't get me wrong.


I am so fucking thankful for the shit that it's done for me.


But it is no longer my bread and butter.


And I don't need to be absorbing that kind of stuff.


But I do still think that there is a lot of room for humor and curiosity and


excitement on the same space.


And here's the thing.


I don't really have a lot of crazy, bold opinions.


So, like, I enjoy hearing other people's perspectives.


And 99.9% of the time I can completely relate to the person.


I can understand how they arrived at that conclusion.


I read Elon Musk's book again,


not because I find the man like amazing or because I worship him or whatever.


No, because I read it because I wanted to get inside his brain.


I really, really wanted to see what his brain was like.


And let me tell you folks, he's fucking crazy.


But I think we already knew that.


But he's not crazy in all of the ways that everybody thinks he is.


They always think that he's literally doing, he's doing moonshots.


Some people are probably like, what the fuck is a moonshot, Taylor?


I had to learn that too.


A moonshot is a giant fucking goal.


What is Elon Musk's moonshots?


Autonomous cars.


AI robots.


colonizing mars like literally all those things are fucking giant moonshots but


he's going for them because you want to know why because he's curious because he


wants to learn more because he knows but anyway i digress again but i read that


book just so i could understand why why he does what he does why he does it the way


he does and what propels him to do it in those ways


And by the end of the book, I really had a deep understanding of why Elon is the way he is.


And I understand how he arrived at the conclusions that he arrived.


Do I agree with all of them?


Absolutely not.


But that's the coolest thing I feel about humanity is we can simply coexist in a


world where not everybody has to have the same opinions and the same views.




There's plenty of other people out there that'll tell you that this doesn't work,


that no one's existing with opposing views without being at each other's throats.


But guess what?


Everybody does.


Every single fucking day.


You know why?




Joe Schmo likes fucking red onions and you think they're fucking disgusting.


Well, guess what?


Those are two different opinions, but you're not beating his ass because he likes red onions.


You're not over there calling him fucking names or anything like that.


No, he just likes fucking red onions and he thinks they're amazing.


But you don't.


Who gives a fuck?


Like, that's the thing.


We are all,




entitled to have our own opinion,


but nobody...


People need to stop giving a fuck about other people's opinions.


And that's really...


what I am seeing a giant theme.


And I feel like this trajectory has gone off very,


I feel like the trajectory of this podcast has gone off very off course.


You know, what's sad is my words are all over the fucking place right now.


And I haven't even had anything that could do that.


I am a hundred percent sober.


Now that's not always the case.


And I do think, I do think because I am a tree consumer,


that doing some podcasts with a tree consumer on there would be super cool but the


curiosity chronicles are just gonna be literally whatever i want to talk about like


i mean that's what my blog is right like all these posts are just whatever the fuck


i want to talk about i talk about lily i talk about me i talk about my past


relationships i talk about shit that i see i talk about shit about talk about shit


that i'm doing like i just simply love to talk


And that's what we're going to do.


We're going to talk here.

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