woopsie dasiey
I definitely forgot to post/write yesterday.
And right now can you guess what I'm doing?!
Stuck in another fucking training.
I think my least favorite part about working for the government is the fact they are SO BEHIND when it comes to understanding how people function in the workplace nowadays.
They have spent so many years micromanaging their employees, and the problem with that is that this current generation’s workforce does NOT learn the traditional way.
And what's so fucking frustrating about that with my current job is…. Alllllllllll the people not in leadership roles, know and understand this.
They don't seem to understand that FORCING us to do something is the quickest way to get all of us checked out.
I get easily infuriated when people waste my time. These trainings are literally a waste of everyone's time. Especially if it's something that is SUPPOSED TO BE SELF-PACED, we should be able to do it way.
I find it odd that an entire organization that is focused on supporting ALL forms of education for children under 5 does not understand that a lot of their employees are neurodivergent. And will not retain any of the information this way.
Finally, it should be a HUGE sign that when your participants aren't participating in the training, you're training isn't quality. You're just lecturing.
And if the training is SO IMPORTANT and REQUIRED, it should be done in person. It doesn't change the execution, but you can't expect a bunch of 30-40 yo people to get up and dance in their office, on their computer screen.
All in all, this is a big giant eye roll.
Tomorrow I'll try to write something real lol
Taylor Cecelia Brook