To be honest, I canโt quite remember EVERYTHING we talked about. I never can lol
BUT I do know that this was an over arching theme for us AND that this podcast was the kick in the pants I needed to get my shit together!
and we are back i am your host taylor cecilia brooke here on the curiosity
chronicles and today i have a wonderful guest who has joined us before and i'm so
happy to have him back on this podcast this is nor hi everybody thanks for having
me taylor i'm glad to be back of course of course so so we don't forget
Before we started this podcast,
we were talking about Benadryl hangovers and that when you abuse it,
you see crazy things and you have a wild story to share about that.
I would absolutely love to hear it.
I do.
So there was a medication,
like I was recovering from an injury,
so I was given muscle relaxants and the specific one I was given was called Xanaflex.
So I had taken more than I...
and i didn't realize that if you it's one of those things where like if it doesn't
put you to sleep you're in trouble and it didn't put me to sleep so i'm lying down
in my bed with the lights on
and then i start looking at the walls and you start seeing like these little black
dots that start moving around and at first i was like what the hell is this and
then like you were saying they start taking like the form of like a spider or a bat
and i'm sitting there just watching it yeah then i turn to my right and there's a
dead woman holding her baby right next to me and i was so goddamn scared because
she put her hand on my bed and when she put her hand on my bed the bed moved oh no
i feel like it actually moved it was terrifying and then i just what
Yeah, dude, it was insane.
And then an hour later,
I was trying to get myself together,
hiding under the curtain so she wouldn't look at me.
And then when the coast was clear,
I finally took the blanket off and I looked to my right and there was a
there was a black man with black priest with extremely long white dreads just
chanting at my bed like he was praying for me but in some like demonic like tongues
language and i was just like jesus what is happening and then he yeah and then the
last thing that i remember is that i was if the sun had finally come up i was like
thank god this is okay
But then there was this guy who had like an orange hunting cap and like some camouflage.
And he was just sitting in my computer chair, like rocking back and forth.
And he wasn't staring at me.
He was just chilling.
Yeah, I was just like, dude, this has to end.
I've never taken that shit since.
But it was like, I'd assume that's what sleep paralysis is like.
But I could actually move.
yeah gosh i that's like to me you know it's very reminiscent of like a mushroom
trip but when you're tripping on shrooms typically you make that choice yourself
like you go into it knowing that's what's gonna happen yeah for sure i have i
usually have like um more pleasant shrooms trips and whatnot nothing like that um i
know some people can see like the devil on shrooms and whatnot but yeah i've never
quite gotten to woman dead woman holding her baby
Yeah, mine never have been, like, terrifying.
The walls have done things.
And then, like, on my very first mushroom trip, I was doing it with Dee.
And we somehow managed to end up in the same trip together.
It was very bizarre.
Never had that happen before.
But we were experiencing and seeing.
Yes, we were seeing the same stuff.
Yeah, it was wild.
But at one point, he became, like,
a field i think it was and like he just turned into all these different things and
it was like the blanket morphed into something but for me the walls had like
started to come alive almost they had patterns and there wasn't anything crazy on
the walls it was just a regular freaking wall then but it started to come alive but
i can't imagine going into that not knowing something like to just have that happen
out of nowhere would be terrifying
Yeah, I had no idea that this was like a side effect of it.
I had no idea you couldn't like, I didn't realize you had to sleep on it.
and then so i googled it because i was like am i going insane or is this something
that happens to other people so i actually looked it up and there was people
describing this one part this one that stuck with me is like i was downstairs
somebody was slamming on my door so i ran upstairs and then the second i peeked
back down i was being it was a home invasion
no one was actually there but that was his hallucination people were invading his
home i was like jeez man i know it's crazy and well like when i said when you're in
that state like if it touches you like your sleep paralysis thing touches you you
feel it like it's very very real but i just have to keep reminding myself like it's
not real it's not real it's not real oh man oh
Congratulations on getting married.
Oh, thank you so much.
We haven't made it like,
I mean,
we posted on Facebook,
but I haven't like set any cards out yet.
Cause I need to edit all the pictures.
Let me tell you that story.
Are you ready for the most insane story ever?
So it was like right before Thanksgiving, I think.
And we were talking and we had been trying to figure out when we were going to get married.
And so I was like,
uh i don't know and you know both of us have been married before and i had the
whole giant wedding i was like i'm not doing that again i don't want that like if
we have an actual wedding like we'll do something small or something like that and
the more we talked about it the more like just annoyed i became about the amount of
coordination that was going to have to happen to do that and
the more I looked into it, the more I was like, I don't want to spend money on that.
I would rather spend money on a really, really, really nice honeymoon later down the line.
It's so expensive, man.
It's insane.
It's insane to me.
Like just to run out of like a little tiny space for two hours was like minimum $4,000.
And I was just like, no, absolutely not.
No, we're not doing this.
It's crazy.
I have a small ceremony in my backyard.
you're right right so i threw out i was like what if we elope over christmas break
like right around new year's because we knew izzy was gonna be here and lou would
be with us for actual christmas and stuff so i was like what if we do it and he was
like okay let's do it i was like i know it's crazy but like i think we should
And so we had like less than six weeks, I think, to get everything together.
And I found this chick online.
She had amazing reviews.
This is all she does is like basically elopements and like an ordained minister for hire.
And she had this package that came with pictures with it.
Like there was a photographer and like everything you needed was right then and there.
So I'm super pumped.
It seems like it's going to be great.
it took you know everything in us to get all the stuff coordinated between a dress
for me and his suit and dresses for the girls and shoes for the girls and all you
know all the stuff but in the end it was like it all came together very well so i
get the address for the place we're supposed to be going it's you know january so
it's fucking freezing and tell me about it
yeah yeah exactly i'm like you can take your weather back please i know it's so bad
here too but it's got it's getting a little better now
it's only just a slight amount but at least it's not in the negatives so you know
that's nice um so the lady was like yeah we can do it inside in my office i was
like oh okay cool i get the address and i look on google maps and it's with street
view it's a it's like a house in the middle of nowhere and i was like is this the
right address she goes yeah that's the right address it's like okay maybe you know
she's got like an office building or something right
So we get there.
We drive out to the middle of nowhere.
And it is a trailer house.
There's no other buildings.
So that's her office?
it is her home there's no office it was her home and i was like we're supposed to
be doing this inside what okay so we get there she didn't even like come out and
greet us so i was like super worried we weren't even in the right spot and she she
opens the door she's like come on in and we are in her living room
and apparently i didn't even see this but apparently right near the door there was
like dog piss right near on the floor yeah and the place smelled just awful and
there were ceiling tiles missing and then half of her floor was missing so it was
just plywood on the floor she had taken her couch and shoved it into her kitchen
and then set up like
a thing with a sheet over it to look like some kind of backdrop and that was it i
was just like oh my god what the did i do this woman's a pioneer and then the
photographer was her son her teenage son wow he's really um invested in her
business huh yeah so
It was one of the most unique experiences I've ever had in my entire life.
But we are married and that's what matters.
And I was able to get the raw files for the pictures,
which thank fuck because the way she edited them was atrocious.
Oh, I bet.
I'm just like, what?
There's Canva for a reason now.
It's not a hard concept anymore.
There's apps that do all that stuff automatically for you.
She put purple vignettes on them.
and like blurred things out i'm just like oh no this is bad this is so bad yeah
that sounds awful yeah but you know what we're married and in 20 years we're gonna
go somewhere really nice somewhere really tropical and we're gonna take the girls
and we're gonna get married again in 20 years that's the goal
yeah yeah in 20 years because i like it hey yeah you know kind of like a renewing
of the vows type thing yeah for sure that'd be cool i just made the dumbest mistake
in the world what did you do so i'm last night i was i smoked a black and like i
don't i don't smoke but i wanted i was in the mood for something so i just had like
a little cigarillo a black and mild yeah yeah
And dude,
I drink a lot of Diet Coke and I ashed it in a Diet Coke and I just kind of forgot
about it.
And right now I'm drinking a Diet Coke and I reached for the wrong one.
Literally my mouth was just filled with fucking ash and I had to spill all over my shirt.
The show must go on.
That's always my biggest nightmare is like
Ashing into a can and accidentally drinking it or like,
so I grew up,
my dad chewed my whole life.
And so I always had to like check the cans to make sure before I took a drink of anything,
because I was like,
I don't need to swallow juice bit.
that'd be awful dude oh right right thankfully d does this really cool thing where
he like pops open the whole top of the can with his shirt i don't know how he does
it but and then so you just know like don't touch that can like that's not a can to
drink out of it's not your energy drink um that that's like definitely one of my
like oh god i don't ever want to do that i'm very sorry that happened to you
That's okay.
It's the second time in my life it's happened and each time it's just repulsive.
But you know what?
That's what I get for smoking.
I mean... That's the cosmic justice.
Yeah, I...
I understand.
It's such a, like right now I feel very torn about all of the weed stuff.
I still don't know.
Oh, I was reading.
I wanted to ask you about that.
Cause I was reading your notes and I was like, what is she going through?
Cause I was a little confused,
but it seems like you were quitting weed and it was kind of a challenging.
So we, I just became so
addicted to it essentially where i was abusing it really like if you had changed it
over to alcohol i was like it wasn't that i couldn't function without it but it
felt like that and i've done a tolerance break before i took a month off back in
may um and that was fine but it was you know a little challenging but it was more
challenging mentally than anything else
um but i was just you know we were smoking a lot and it wasn't really doing
anything anymore um and there's a lot of studies about how you can like mess up
your brain there's not enough information out there yet but just like just with
your dopamine receptors and all that kind of stuff and i'm just like okay i don't
know what's going on but maybe i need to take a break like
i'm not using this in a healthy manner i'm not using it in the way i intended to
use it like all this stuff and so i haven't smoked since january 5th so 20 it's
been 20 days but oh good for you i don't i feel happy about it like it no longer
feel like at first i was like really proud of myself and even though like
physically it was
awful like this time around the physical manifestation of the withdrawal symptoms
were horrible i was like profusely sweating with like in the middle of the night i
would wake up just drenched and sweat and yeah and like my appetite was all over
the place it wasn't right i was shaky and just constantly nauseous and tired really
really tired and so all of that's kind of gone now
and like i feel normal but like i miss it almost in the way that i miss like this
is gonna sound weird but like really well cooked tofu because that's really hard to
find that does sound very weird not at all and i was expecting you to say
and that's what's so strange about it like it's no longer the craving of like oh my
god i want to smoke i miss the whole aspect of it and i was wondering when i was
thinking about that it reminded me of when we talked about you know the whole
we don't like the word relapsing and how like you know you had been heavily
drinking and then you took a lot of time off and then now you kind of sometimes
drink i don't know if that's still the case but that was the last conversation
that's still how it how it goes i'm considering
I'm considering either quitting altogether or lowering sometimes.
So like very rare occasions.
Cause there's times where I just drink and I'm like,
I don't,
I don't even know if I like this anymore.
It just doesn't give me the same, whatever that I used to get from it.
So it's been questionable, but as far as you're feeling, I would definitely say it's too soon.
Like you just have to give it some more time.
Cause your brain, your brain chemistry takes a little bit to recalibrate.
it's i know with alcohol it like it doesn't even start until like after three
months or something oh man i didn't know that yeah i mean i'm sure it starts a
little bit before that but that's kind of a big milestone for when you start
feeling better and it's interesting because with alcohol when you quit you have
something called like the pink cloud being on the pink cloud because you feel like
optimistic you're like i'm never gonna drink again and you feel awesome about what
you're doing you get into health and like do this and that but at the end of the
day that fin cloud is gonna go away and then that's the one that's challenging yeah
yeah and like it kind of frustrated me because i was under the assumption that the
weed was causing me to
not want to go to the gym not want to do things around the house like turns out
that's just an issue i need to fix within myself wasn't the weed at all because i'm
still struggling with that like you have adhd right so here's the thing i don't
think so anymore um oh okay i think it's obsessed well i know i have ocd um
But it's confusing because I was diagnosed with ADD before it stopped being the
separate things.
But I don't know because I've had one therapist tell me that she doesn't think
that's even a real diagnosis anymore.
She thinks it's just like a...
They don't know what else to, you know, put you in, but in reality you have something else.
And then like my psychiatrist has never actually brought up my ADHD and,
and she is so in tune with my struggles more than any other psychiatrist that I've
ever encountered in my life.
Like I got, I was so happy to find this psychiatrist and it does help that she's like our age.
So, you know, she's a little bit more,
aware of the times and things like that um but for her she was much more concerned
with like the things we talk about are the body dysmorphia slash anorexia the um
ocd and then the anxiety and or depression because i don't typically have both at
the same time which is nice but
Those are all very challenging things to deal with.
Body dysmorphia is an absolute bitch.
OCD is challenging.
Depression is obviously awful.
yeah yeah the body dysmorphia now has been the thing that i've been tackling the
most trying to work on um but the this is where i struggle to like i don't know
like maybe i'm autistic instead like because i know autistic people also struggle
with the executive function challenges but like
simple things are still consistently hard for me every single day.
And it hasn't changed.
Like it has always been hard for me to brush my teeth before bed.
And when I wake up, I don't know why it's just hard for me to remember to do that.
It is a fight for me to wash my hair.
Like washing my hair is such a chore for me for some reason.
And I hate every moment of it.
And I don't really know, like,
the other thing is is chemically i think something really drastically happened
after lily died because before lily i didn't have any issues feeding myself
breakfast i didn't have any issues getting you know in the shower doing i showered
every other day then like i washed my hair every other day it wasn't a challenge
like did i love to take baths absolutely that's like i swear god is part of my dna
at this point but like
i didn't have those same struggles my house was always clean like you know i had a
cleaning schedule that i stuck to my i walked my dog two to three times a day like
now granted i didn't have a choice we lived in an apartment but still i still
walked her and something happened obviously i mean it's impossible to go through a
situation like i did and not have things change but it was like
The pregnancies ruined my ability to eat in the morning and the depression I had
After Lily died and then again after Lucy was born,
I think really ruined my ability to do anything but sit and exist.
And because that was when I started truly disassociating into books because I had
been doing that in college.
But then once I got out of college,
I got a lot better and I was working out and not necessarily in a healthy manner,
but like,
you know,
all of that.
I have questions for you.
Number one, have you gotten your hormones checked recently?
Oh, no, not recently.
I mean, so I've always, so here's the other tricky part.
I have something called Ehlers-Danlos,
which is a connective,
it's known as a connective tissue disorder,
but it actually affects literally every single part of your body because...
Is that the EHLER or something,
Yes, yeah.
Yes, I've heard of this, okay.
yeah so a lot of people have like the hyper mobile version which is like i call it
eds light um because they don't get the um so like i'm super anemic
and um like i get tears in my skin super easy like the inside of my nose constantly
splits open yeah that's rough yeah and like the corners of my mouth i have like
special steroid cream for the corners of my mouth because they constantly split
open um yeah so there are challenges that happen because of the our brain doesn't
chemicals correctly,
because we don't have enough collagen coating the things that need to be coated
with collagen.
And so I don't know, this is where I get lost.
Like, I don't know what
know what's causing what and what is a result of what and i was hoping by removing
the weed it would kind of show me that but what's interesting is i do remember when
i did the 30 days the last time i had the same struggle like i was just like wait a
minute this is still happening um but you mentioned the hormones i had my hormones
checked multiple times
during Lily's life after but obviously all throughout IVF and stuff and then I had
I think the last time I had my blood drawn was back in 2023 for like a full hormone
panel and everything was fine um that was the first time that like my iron level
was that like
was it was still only at the baseline but normally i'm like so far below it that
it's like really bad um but
they I'm my brain's kind of spiraling right now in the terms of I'm thinking about
how much hair loss I've had lately and how wonky my appetite's been.
I'm like, I think I maybe need to make an appointment with my doctor.
I think that would be a good idea.
That's, uh, none of the symptoms sound great.
Go ahead.
and then I've been more tired than usual and I just chalked it up to being,
I hadn't been taking my iron.
but because i know i struggled with a lot of that stuff i my thyroid had a hard
time readjusting after i had lily um so and i know that can happen again and again
and it needs to be monitored and i haven't been monitoring it so
Thank you.
I mean, that's definitely good things to keep track of.
Like I've had a similar struggle where I've noticed my sleep didn't feel as restorative.
I was tired throughout the day.
I was having like I constantly had brain fog.
It's just rough.
And then I was kind of thinking like, oh, do I have sleep apnea?
But I don't snore.
So I don't think that's what it is.
And then I was just I'm still not sure what it is,
but I remember kind of talking to a psychiatrist years ago about how I was
diagnosed with like this,
diagnosed with that.
And I don't agree with any of them.
She was just like, because you don't have any of them.
Only thing you have is complex PTSD.
Like, whoa, what is that?
And then it's basically CPTSD is basically like you were,
it's not like one huge traumatic moment.
You've been under stress for such a long time.
Which that's the other thing I'm like, I match a lot of those symptoms.
And I mean, you know how we've had, we had,
not maybe not necessarily the exact same childhood but our parents were you know
our parents yeah it was challenging that stuff definitely sticks with you um people
like they're starting to kind of i don't know if this is 100 true but i read that
they're starting to differentiate between complex pt ptsd and childhood ptsd i'm
reading a book on childhood ptsd right now and i'm interested to see kind of where
that goes
i um yeah it really does stop you from doing so many things it like it affects your
body it affects your sleep it affects your energy levels your pain and everything
yeah because i have a super suit does it like like give you a pretty high pain
tolerance do you have a pretty high pain tolerance extremely high pain tolerance
interesting i have one too but maybe
and so does d and he had a really rough childhood gotcha maybe then yeah it's like
okay i don't i don't i don't feel this i've been here before it's like your body
already sucks at being a body so yeah it's the worst i just want i would like to
just feel like
um i would like to see what it's like to feel what it would be like if i did not
have those symptoms so you know always trying to work on them and find a solution
like a science project it kind of is and i've tried so many things and like for the
OCD thoughts.
Cause like for me,
most of the challenge with OCD is like my brain just will not stop obsessing over
certain things consistently.
Like it's over and over and over.
And it's so much different than like rumination.
Cause it's not even like I'm ruminating.
It's literally like,
it's it's like paragraphs almost that just loop but i can hear them and see them at
the same time and yeah and like obviously it happens the most with music like most
people get a song stuck in their head every now and then but for me until i really
started learning about like
i think it's called synesthesia or something yeah until i started really learning
about that and how you can kind of like combat it a little bit like i'm never going
to be able to get rid of it but i can make it kind of calm down or go more in the
background um so until i learned that it was i would wake up with
three songs playing at the same time in my head.
And I couldn't go back to sleep after that because my brain was awake and it was just,
you know,
and I've,
when I first started my sub stack,
I would post like the song of the day and it's just random and it doesn't matter
what music I'm listening to.
It could be twinkle, twinkle, little star, or it could be next X by Swako, you know?
so but and so the zoloft has done a really good job at helping all of that and i'm
also on wellbutrin but we're starting to take me down because i don't feel like
it's doing anything anymore right
um i think i probably needed it when i had a two-year-old and i was exhausted and
parenting on my own even though i had a spouse um you know i was i was doing it all
um so i don't know but it's definitely the cptsd thing i always kind of forget that
that's something that like is a major part of my mental health
Um, it's, I don't know how I forget that I went through quite a few traumatic events.
I mean,
they kind of like one of the definitions of it,
like the trauma or sorry,
PTSD or depression is that they make you forget,
they make your memories shit.
They literally shrink the hippocampus, which is the memory center in your brain.
i didn't know it literally shrunk it that's crazy yeah but like it's not like a
permanent thing that it can grow back but it's just sad man it gives you there's so
many things that happen and people don't really understand it and i don't know i'm
hoping to one day be i don't know if i'll ever be over it but maybe accept it a
little more than i do right now
yeah yeah and and i'm you know it makes me wonder you know i want to know okay what
can i do to support myself with that like what are the resources what's the
research out there already you know what research studies can i participate in
because i love doing that um um
because you know like like you said the brain can change um absolutely and it's
interesting that you said it you mentioned the shrinking part because that
instantly made me think of in autistic people that part the hippocampus is much
larger than anybody else um yeah and their amygdala is smaller which is why they
struggle with the emotional emotions aspect of it because that's where your
emotions are well the responses i guess is the right word um
And it's a lot of the different disorders, they all overlap so much.
And that's challenging because it makes it really difficult to diagnose and to treat.
yeah that's kind of and i've noticed people are i've noticed that terms have been
growing because people are more interested in labeling themselves as having this or
having that which is stupid in my opinion because you shouldn't put yourself in a
box but as far as the diagnosis goes it's crucial because it helps you treat it it
helps you figure out what to do and i'm just i think like
i think under the cptsd umbrella there's so many of them like there's some bipolar
symptoms there might be some borderline personality disorder symptoms there's
definitely depression and anxiety but it's like cptsd is more of a it's like this
is you had a lot of constant trauma and then this is what kind of manifested it's
just a word to like link all that together in my opinion yeah and i like i like the
you look at that like that's a really it's just a word like it's just a it's almost
like it's not an acronym but it does represent that umbrella and i think it would
take like my brain's nerding out on the research end of this i love that kind of
stuff um which is so funny because in college i said i would never do research and
now i love it uh
Cause I didn't want to do research.
I didn't want to do research writing.
And now that's like half of what I do is research,
the pain in the ass though,
like doing it on your own is a lot more fun and you have a lot more freedom.
So much more freedom.
And even like when I moved into my masters,
I had so much more freedom than I did in my,
my bachelor's.
So it's,
you know,
just a difference,
but you know,
it makes me wonder,
how would,
what would regular
meditation do for this what what does regular exercise do for this because all of
those like just those two things alone produce so many positive benefits into your
brain um that my other thought is i know for a fact that we on this earth have
everything we could ever need to survive to thrive to live and so you know
sitting in quiet was something that they did all the time you know 200 300 even 100
years ago and so while that might not have been quote unquote known as meditation
that's still what it was you know and 200 300 years ago everybody
was physically active because you had no choice.
You had to get up and move.
Now, don't get me wrong.
Quality of life was definitely not what it is now.
But if we take those principles and apply them to life now, like,
we should theoretically have everything we need to thrive and that's where i
struggle because for me i have zero excuses not to be meditating i have zero
excuses not to be exercising like that boils down to a self-discipline thing which
in reality is a self-love thing yeah that's definitely well put um i think
I think it's interesting because the more you do for yourself,
you do feel like the kind of return of loving yourself more.
Like I remember sort of when I started a skincare routine and like I would stare
myself in the mirror and I'd be like doing this thing,
but I knew I was doing it for myself and it kind of felt really nice.
yeah and then same with exercising is more so for me i'm doing it because it's i'm
very in the moment when i do it and i almost obsessively exercise but i also i know
that i'm doing it for like my own personal mental health i'm doing it to be in good
shape and you know to look good naked exactly
there's what was the last one meditating yeah that's um there's a lot of resistance
to meditating for a lot of people it's so simple you just sit down like it depends
on what kind you do but you can just sit down and focus on your breath for five
minutes but it just seems like such a daunting or boring task to some people that
it's really hard to start and my advice on that would be like there's so many
different forms of meditation that you have to find the one that you really gel
And that was something that like I didn't quite put together until I had it pointed out to me.
Like when I paint, typically I listen to music and that's it.
And a lot of times it's not even like regular music.
It's like some kind of like I really like spa music that plays a lot on the robots in the house.
It like brings me this instant calming effect.
um and i learned that in rosemary oil and that just must be what they use in like
massage places and stuff constantly because i instantly feel at peace which is
really cool yeah um so that was a little a little tidbit i learned about myself
that was definitely helpful but you know
painting just simply painting and focusing on that and nothing else that's a form
of meditation um i agree 100 i'd say the same thing with the writing yes yeah and
it's interesting because that was pointed out to me in the first time in the
artist's way um julia cameron yeah yeah i never even finished the book but no one
does that's how you know you're a real writer
time for real i did not know that i have so many people who haven't finished it
though that's what i don't know like the morning pages thing is just yeah well and
for me like and i had talked to quite a few people about this it did nothing for me
it actually did worse things for me um because i would have to like try to come up
with things and that's just not not what i am but and like journaling is another
form of meditation and then like
One of the things that...
I had missed the most about running because I just can't do it.
My body can't take that anymore, the pounding.
But that was definitely a form of meditation.
I remember describing to a therapist once that like one of the cool things that
happens when I run is it allows my brain to essentially go in the back and take all
of those boxes that need to be sorted and organize the mental clutter that was back
there and organize it all.
It's still hard for me to find something that gives me that same amount of stuff.
Now I will say that when Dee started teaching me to mountain bike,
I don't know what the fuck you want to call it.
that brings that for me because i have to focus so freaking much on just not
falling right so and for him you know he gets in this really cool zone and he gets
the same feeling that i got when i ran um so you know it's kind of like why am i
not helping myself now you know right right where's the self-sabotage starting
Because that's what this is.
It's self-sabotage,
like the energy drinks,
the not exercising,
the fast food,
the not drinking enough water,
you know,
all of those things.
That's all just self-sabotage instead of self-love.
And I want to know, you know, what causes that inside of humans to happen?
I think a lot of it is fear, not fear of failure, but fear of success.
Because sometimes,
like for me,
when I'm most inclined to self-sabotage,
it's when I'm very,
very close to reaching a goal.
There's a part of me that just wants to throw everything away and just not do it.
And I realized a few things.
first of all,
you don't fear success that kind of manifests because if you're successful,
you have to take on more responsibilities and your life's not going to be as easy anymore,
another kind of thing is like think about this like i have a cousin who's talked to
me about weight loss since we were like four years old right oh he's been obsessed
about like weight loss and stuff because he always he always goes up and then down
and up and down and up and down yeah and yeah and i told her i was just like you
realize that one of the reasons
might not be losing weight is because if you actually reach the goal you just
wouldn't be able to talk about that anymore like you talk about it all the time so
if you get your goal that's no longer something you can use to talk about or to get
attention or anything like that i have never thought about it that way but you're
so right like yeah
like at what point do you just kind of throw your ego to the wind and realize
you're full of you know yeah yeah that's man that really kind of makes me like re
just think about like why i'm why i struggle with substack sometimes everyone
struggles with
i'm so jealous of people like i used to do this but i don't know why it's been more
challenging now but i'm jealous of people who are like consistent as fuck like
every and one of my theories is that if you're like a creator if you're like a tick
tock person or snapchat or whatever the hell you're doing as long as you don't stop
and you like you don't stop you keep like tweaking your stuff improving like you
know doing all that you will eventually make it you just yeah stop and i kind of
like i when i was persistent i got up to like 1.6 000 very quickly and then i
and i'm still at 1.6 000 like five months later so it's very interesting to me how
like those numbers work and now that i'm kind of making a bit of a comeback i'm
interested to see
team how much the consistency affects things because i used to i used to do once a
week so yeah i did too i i mean and i used to have the podcast come out once a week
and then a post come out once a week and i was consistently engaging with people
and i keep trying to blame it on my job but i remember
going through a period with the blog where I hit this lull and I just like didn't
want to do any of it anymore and this time around it really boiled down to I didn't
stay consistent while I was transitioning and then now it's almost like I don't
even know where to start because I have all these stories and it seems so
overwhelming to start to try to start writing about it all
just start writing again it seems so overwhelming for some reason yeah i think um i
think there's a lot of pressure if you take some time off and come back and want to
start writing again because you kind of feel like you have to put out something
that's really good and then that kind of gives you
it kind of gives you some,
it kind of cripples you a little bit because you don't want to put out something
that's not good and you just get this like anxiety around it and you just end up
not putting anything out,
which is,
which happens.
I don't, it happened to me too.
And I don't think it's correct as the right thing to do, but it's, it's very real.
And I think regarding like having all the topics and whatnot and like getting
overwhelmed for me,
it's just kind of like,
every time i have an idea i just write it down so it gets out of my brain and like
into my it's either to my phone or a notebook so anytime i have an idea
specifically for substack i'll instantly write it down and then i can think of like
stuff for it specifically like a brainstorm but well if i write it down it gets out
of my head and it becomes easier to manage so that i so i do that it's like
taking the ideas and putting them like taking the thoughts taking the stories and
putting them onto paper especially like stories that are like a good example is i
want to write about the um time when i
went with D to go pick up a motorcycle with him.
This was before we were, we were still just, you know, doing our dom sub type thing.
And, but that changed the entire trajectory of our relationship.
And for whatever reason,
thinking about all of the stuff I would write,
it's like,
I lock up almost.
And I don't even know where to start.
The other thing I think I'm worried about is I have yet to find a good medium.
Like my posts are either super short or super long and it's frustrating me a lot
because the super long ones don't usually get read.
Have you, do you edit them like very meticulously?
so that's the other thing no and i am kind of disappointed with myself in terms of
my writing because i have been kind of just treating it as like word vomit let it
go and like that's not serving me anymore and i'm i do write well i have the
ability to write well it just takes more effort and yeah and that's we're back to
the effort thing again
I think the benefit of editing is it helps cut some shit out and make it shorter.
And it's interesting.
I think...
i think it's one of those things one of the things about writing is that all the
cliches are unfortunately true like i haven't found a way to be able to sit down
and start writing besides just sitting down and doing it you know yeah yeah besides
just like starting jotting on like the blank piece of paper otherwise there's
nothing and something something that i found that helped me actually is if i open a
new draft
I just write some stuff based on what,
like the topic is maybe I write an opening sentence or a paragraph or two,
and then I leave it.
And then once I leave it, I become much more motivated to go back and finish it.
Maybe because I have this unfinished task there, but it really does help.
Oh, I like that.
I like that because I do know that sometimes like I'll open a draft that I had put
the title in for and I'll look to start writing it.
But then I'll look at the time and I'm like, I don't have the time to write this whole story.
It's interesting you saying this because my friend Scott and I were talking about this.
he told he asked me he was just like so nor i have a thing where when i write it's
always going to be in like an eight hour session there's no way i can like split it
up why do you think that is i i related to him because i was kind of like i i feel
very similarly where if i'm going to write something i just kind of bang it out but
now i've been learning to not do that
and i also think it increases i so my point is like i think it happens to a lot of
people but i think not doing that like not having these long sessions helps because
you write some you go about your day you come back and you have some more
perspective on what you want to say like your piece does become genuinely better
because your mind is thinking about it you know yeah yeah no that's a really good a
really good point and i think you know when i did the
i did the 1000 words a day challenge in last summer you know i really i did it
every single day and i was able to write a lot of good stuff um so it makes me and
you know it only took me 20 minutes it took 20 minutes out of my day no and that's
the thing like i so and i i
made me think about this as well like at work i struggle to dive into certain
projects because i'm like i don't have the time like people especially if i'm in
the office um like a really good example i have these forms that i have to recode
and it's just being super super difficult um but i'm the only one who knows how to
do it and yeah yeah it's special
um but it's gonna take me like three or four hours of straight concentration like i
have to concentrate on it and that's where it's like what is what's happening in my
brain that makes it think that i can't come back to it interesting interesting
yeah it's super interesting and definitely makes me want to explore a lot of it
more i think yeah for sure yeah you really brought up some really great like things
for me to think about and i think i think that's one of the things that i really
like the most about doing podcasts is just getting to talk to people and learning
other people's perspectives and you know bouncing ideas and thoughts and all of
that kind of off people and absolutely yeah so how is your men's group going
So before I address that, I had one more thing on the effort.
Yes, yes, please.
I want to actually,
a psychiatrist actually asks me,
not a psychiatrist,
a therapist asked me once,
he was like,
do you think you have a fear of effort?
And I was like, that's such an interesting way.
I don't,
but that's such an interesting way to put it because for instance,
I like to use my stretching routine as a example.
It's something I do every night and it's for some reason,
it'll take me like 50 minutes to finally just convince myself to get down on the
ground and do it.
It makes no sense at all.
I should be able to like get into it, but it just does not happen.
That is, I relate to that so much.
you you brought up skincare and i had done so many things to try and like okay i'll
put my face wipes next to my bed like that way there's no excuse the right on the
bed then i stopped doing all the other things to my face care like i stopped using
all the serums and all the stuff that was helping my face um and
so now i don't get into bed if i haven't done all of that because i won't get back
up right no 100 so fear of effort that's really interesting yeah i think so too i
don't know if there's too much to it like i've tried to look it up but it doesn't
seem like it's much of a thing because there wasn't really many results that came
up but it could be cool to look into yeah yeah i'm definitely gonna think on that
for sure
And regarding the men's group, Ben, it's been going really well.
Oh, good.
That makes me happy to hear.
Yeah, we started, I think, in August or September.
We meet for two hours once a week, and it's been super consistent.
Oh, that's awesome.
Yeah, it's been awesome.
Everybody's so respectful and thoughtful of other people's times.
It's become the point where it's like nine of us or so.
yeah it's been awesome and like it's gotten to the point where we're all like close
friends now and it's it's it's really cool it's not something i ever expected to
But the way that it's manifested is awesome.
And like people always, it's awesome to hear how much it's helping some of them.
Like it's helping me tremendously too,
but it just feels really good to have put something like that together and not
really knowing where it could go.
I assume people would come for like the first couple and then just not show up again,
but that did not happen at all.
It's very interesting to me.
yeah so that's like i think one of the reasons why i have so much resistance with
starting you know the dead kid club because i think i'm worried that it's going to
get to a point where people just stop showing up and that i think is almost more of
like a rejection thing um like a fear of you know fear of being not necessarily
rejected but like i wasn't enough to keep them coming back you know
well I understand yeah so but that makes me think you know like I know so many
people on Substack already who have told me that they would love it um because they
don't have any other space like that because grief groups are just yeah um yeah I I
can give you some like advice if you want based on how I did mine
that would be i would love to you know chat with you about that as well we don't
necessarily need to do that here if you don't want to but no it's fine but i just i
wanted to say one thing and that's when i started
um first of all it's challenging to get x amount of people off of substack but also
another platform and then make everyone meet at the same time yeah it's a bit of a
clusterfuck but yeah before my first meeting like i was nervous to the point where
i was like i want to cancel this like it's gonna be no one's gonna because not
necessarily because
i guess it's kind of similar to what you were saying my fear was that no one was
going to take me seriously yeah but that very much so did not happen and that's
been it just i don't know it manifested into something i never expected and i think
you'd have a similar experience and you're you're right i'm not going to say
probably you are so am i what you're right oh yeah and it's um
People are like, you know how you hear about like the loneliness epidemic and yada, yada, yada.
People are desperate to connect.
So like they would want to come to the group,
not just because it's this grief group,
but also just you feel connected.
You have people to talk to.
And that's so true.
Because like,
you know right now there's one person i go to when like obviously i can go to date
with anything but you have to live through it and i'm so glad he's never never had
to live through that so like my best friend unfortunately also lived through it um
oh trust me we walked similar paths but hers was more intense than mine because she
had seven miscarriages before she finally got pregnant oh my gosh yeah and then
her son basically was born brain dead oh that's the worst dude yeah and she had to
make the choice to take him off life support yeah right so poor baby i know i know
it was just everything about it was so so awful and so like you know on the days
where things are really just really really hard she gets it
um but she's not always available because she has a life and children and a job
because she's a nurse and like you know there's all this stuff and i think having
and i know there are people out there who
don't even have that one person to talk to exactly and by you taking the initiative
they will have multiple people to talk to you you sir you i don't know what i'm
trying to say but you have the ability to do a lot of good with a very small risk
of it not working out i think it's worth taking that risk i like the way you put
I mean,
it's not just you're going to get a lot of out of it personally for yourself,
like for the fact that you started it,
you created it and like you also are a participant in it.
So you get a lot out of that.
But you're also going to realize how much it's helping everybody else and it's
really going to fill your heart.
It's a good experience.
you're really you're really speaking to me right now it's like you read my stuff
because you know that's the stuff that really what i live for that's why i do
non-profit stuff like you know it that really is a really good point because all i
ever say is all i ever want to do is just help people like i just want to help
people that's why i like doing the things that i do
yeah and i think your group would like definitely help people and i could i could
help like with some ideas like for me i um i think a cool thing was when i first
started i would ask i would like private message different people and ask for some
feedback and like how they're enjoying the group how
they think like i'm how do they agree with how i'm running it do they have any
other ideas yeah kind of to make it a very open sort of situation and i have
listened to some of the suggestions and i think because of some of those
suggestions we've locked it down to such a good format that it's very fluent and
very yeah um very like filled with profound ideas it's it's it's just great and i
think there's a lot you could
get out of it but i also don't think you should feel like you're the only person
like you're not going to be alone and starting it no and i i already i've already
talked to two moms on the platform on sub stack if they would be interested and
joining with me and starting this and both of them said absolutely i don't know
what it looks like but i'm so down and then i just did nothing with it
Well, that's what I did too, though, with events group.
I put up a note asking, like, would anyone be interested in events group?
And fucking fuck ton of people replied.
And then I just stopped.
And I just stopped.
I forgot about it.
And I didn't forget about it.
I was just kind of intimidated.
So I moved on and did nothing.
And then one of the guys in the group, he...
he private messaged me and he was like, Hey, what's going on with the men's group?
Is it going to happen?
I was like, ah, fuck.
Now I got to do it.
I was like,
that kid,
I'm not going to name him obviously,
but like he said something to me.
Like I made a joke about how the group's only there because he kind of pushed me in
the direction.
And he said to me,
he was like,
when I wanted to do the thing about the men's group is I didn't want to join a
men's group.
I wanted to join your men's group.
And I was like, dude, that's beautiful.
it is that's so cool though and i i think you can get the same thing out of it
though like it's yeah you gotta some of these things you gotta just pull the trail
trigger and yeah and i can make excuse after excuse after excuse but at the end of
the day it's just an excuse it's not
real so i'm i'm the same exact way man i can i could bullshit my way out of
anything but oh i'm so good at it but we're also just bullshitting ourselves at the
end of the day yeah we get nothing out of it you know exactly yeah that is i feel
like i kind of got a little bit of like a little bit of an ego check almost that i
really needed um so because like i have all these goals i have all these things
that i want to do and i have not done anything to work towards them
nothing except i've done one step of the goal for the book and that's it like you
know i talk about all the time how much i want this and you you mentioned you know
your cousin she if i finish it and i publish it i'll have nothing to talk about
which is not true because then i'll have other things to talk about i can talk
about literally anything i can like taylor has a problem with shutting up you know
No, I hear you, but I think the book becomes part of your identity.
Like, oh, I'm writing this book and yada, yada, yada.
You become attached to that idea.
And then sometimes you don't want to let go.
Sometimes you just are afraid it's not going to be as good as you think it'll be.
Well, there's so many barriers in writing.
There's so much resistance.
That's so, so very true.
we're already past an hour,
but I do have like one more question for you that I've been wanting to learn more about.
I hear the podcast you're starting.
Oh, nice.
It's a good question.
Um, so I'm, I'm starting a podcast.
It's called casually copacetic.
It's, um,
My idea is,
and I wanted to do this for a while,
this is another thing I announced months ago,
but never actually did anything with.
I think I announced it like three months into my Substack tenure,
and it never manifested into anything.
But right now, I'm...
I want to talk to up and coming creatives and I don't mean like,
I'm not talking about like a sub stacker who has like a hundred followers because
that's just not what I'm interested in.
Sorry if you guys have a hundred followers, I'm not shitting on you for your follower count.
I'm just saying like when I say up and coming creative, that's not necessarily what I mean.
I mean, like I have people who are like,
25 000 subscribers on youtube and they're doing this really cool thing like for
example my first guest is my friend ricky he's um he does travel documentary by
himself like he he it's very bourdain like right oh okay
yeah and he has like he used to have his own show and everything and he has like
his channel is very popular and he like he took i think he took a break and he's
coming back to it now so like i want to to ask i want to ask questions like
yeah what gave you like the courage to go on your own path instead of like the nine
to five thing and like i also have my cousin who's an edm he's a pediatrician but
he's also an idm dj i was like super interested in like i can't wait to listen to
that one because he's a workhorse man it's really impressive i want to hear how he
balances it all like how do you balance publishing music like producing music and
being a pediatrician
like i have no idea like what do you do with your brain i have no idea like his
songs have like over like mil like all his songs together have like a million plus
like streams on spotify that's amazing yeah he's very successful in both regards so
Yeah, that's going to be a fun conversation.
The other guest that I have planned, she's probably going to be my second, is my friend Chelsea.
It's a woman coaching business,
but it's also kind of like helping women balance their hormones,
helping women.
Yeah, she's already made so much from it.
It's crazy.
She's very, very good at it.
And she has like these amazing testimonials.
So I'm very excited to bring her on and kind of ask her some questions and
introduce her to the Substack world.
Yeah, that'll be, I'm excited to listen to all of them, to be honest.
And I was really excited to see that you were doing it.
Yeah, dude.
Hell yeah.
I'm like, I'm not just going to have those people.
Like I'll also, it's going to be challenging to find guests like that consistently.
I'm still going to have like sub stock people on every now and then,
you know,
it's just that the problem with the problem with,
I don't want just I don't want to be another podcast.
We just interview sub stackers.
And it's a weird thing to say on a podcast interview.
So you know what I mean?
Yeah, it's just like I would just like your podcast.
It already exists.
I'd like to do something a little different, you know?
Yeah, no.
And I totally relate.
But I also like.
I, you know, I'm tired of interviewing just sub stackers.
And so like,
no offense to all of my sub stackers that I've interviewed every single one of you
has been wonderful.
But I do think that
I need to,
I want to start,
you know,
talking to other people who have had completely unique life experiences.
You know,
I want to learn and I want to hear,
you know,
just that's what was,
that's why I started the Curiosity Chronicles because I'm so curious.
That's a better way of saying nosy.
um but i'm really excited for you to start this and just to listen and and see how
amazing it turns out to be hell yeah dude i'm very excited thank you and i'm not
sure if it's going to be a video or audio thing but i might just go all out with
video i'm i don't know if people are more inclined to listen if there's also a
video you know
I don't know because I listen to most of my podcasts on Spotify,
but you can also see the video if it has a video component on Spotify,
which breaks my brain a little bit.
I'm like, wait a minute.
How's that any different from YouTube at this point?
it is the same i think it is the same but it's just i guess kind of like you're
saying it just gives people who prefer like different mediums a chance yeah like if
that's true that's a really good point i didn't even think about that because like
you know not everybody is on apple podcasts you know spotify but they might watch
youtube that's a really good point
You know, it surprises me and I'm sure it surprises you too.
And like a strange way,
like when I've done,
I've done like a quite a few podcast interviews and I know you've done quite a few
podcasts yourself.
And it's like, to me, people message me to like talk about the things I said on it.
And I'm always like, holy shit, someone actually listened to this.
I always, I'm always like flabbergasted by it.
I just assume it's something you make it throw into the ether and it's just kind of there,
you know?
It's one of the things about writing and doing like podcasting stuff,
whatever it is you might be doing,
is that there's so much of the work,
it just goes unnoticed.
And that's fine.
I don't need to be appreciated for everything that I do.
It's interesting that the beginning of the grind is very kind of ruthless and
you're making a lot of work that you just have to accept might not be seen by
anybody or heard by anybody.
I think that is really a crux of most of my problems when it comes to getting some
of this,
starting some of this stuff.
Like it,
it's a weird way to say this,
but praise is like,
it's something that's part of like how I feel.
It's a good motivator for me.
They would not leave me alone.
I was like,
would relate that's so cute yeah mine's passed out right now thankfully oh that's
nice yeah he's a he has so much energy all the time but not right now apparently
that's good mine are pretty low energy thankfully yeah for sure
but yeah the lack of recognition that happens in the beginning and because i don't
get immediate results it's like my brain is like not this no it's true it's it's
hard to go through the muck and the muck in this case is just kind of the unnoticed
unglamorous just yeah nobody but hey taylor thanks so much for having me yes but i
do actually have to get going same z's
But thank you so much for coming back on.
I'm really excited for this to come out and I can't wait to see all the great
things that are going to happen.
Thank you.
I really appreciate that.
And likewise to you.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
After this, we have to pledge to try more effort.
Yes, I like that.
This is like going out in the universe now.
So there we go.
I'm putting in the effort.
So thank you so much.
And thank you, everybody, for listening.
And we will talk to you guys next time.
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