My apologies for the weird clicking in the background!
Disclaimer: The Curiosity Chronicles are spoken by Taylor Cecelia Brook. That means you get her in her full form: Valley Girl who likes to cuss and talks at the speed of light :) I wont be offended it that’s not your jam :)
good morning and welcome back to the chaos chronicles well you're on the curiosity
chronicles my bad the chaos chronicles is my my sub stack i apologize for the
gravelly voice and it may not even be morning wherever you are whenever you are
listening to this but for me it is currently 7 54 a.m on a
And I'm over here recording a podcast because everybody else in my house is asleep
and it's quiet and amazing.
And I'm putting off getting ready for work.
Let's be honest, that's the real reason.
But anyway, welcome back to the Curiosity Chronicles.
Today, I'm curious and I wanted to talk to you guys about what you might want to hear.
Now, here's what the worst part is when I do this.
I ask and no one ever really answers me and I always really wondered that because
like when someone that I listen to like regularly or read regularly if they want
their input
I try to provide it as much as I can,
but I understand that makes other people uncomfortable or it's not their jam.
I don't know, but I'm way too lazy to put together a survey.
Maybe eventually I will,
but what do you guys want to learn more about,
about me or just about life in general?
I'm really kind of a little unsure what to do with my portion of the
curiosity chronicles it's super easy for me to interview people I'm really really
enjoying all the interviews that I'm doing I've got like four lined up and it's
just absolutely totally awesome um so and like next week which by the time you hear
this it'll already be out
I have the podcast with Gemma James coming out, and it's just so fun.
I had so much fun interviewing her, and it's just been really such a joy.
But yeah, I'm just curious.
I think one of my favorite parts about Substack is...
I think I have a lot of favorite parts,
and I think I say that a lot.
Anyway, one of the things I really like about Substack is...
Like there's just so much,
like there's so much,
there's so many things and so many different types of people and genres and writing
and storytelling and podcasts and vlogging and like literally all of it.
And so I guess what I'm trying to see is like,
what do you guys hope to get out of the Curiosity Chronicles?
If it's just for listening pleasure, that's great too.
Just let me know.
Cause I'll just keep talking.
But I know I had initially said I was going to do like a play by play of my life
and it's really hard to remember everything.
And so,
I guess I will try to do my best with giving you a play-by-play for 10 through 20,
which Jesus Christ,
so much happened in there.
It's really difficult because I literally said to...
alexander porter yesterday yeah i think it was yesterday that so much i've packed
an entire fucking lifetime into a decade but that wasn't 10 to 20 i packed a
totally different lifetime into that decade um like a literally a whole different
lifetime from who i was from 20 to 30 so and while most people think like oh 20 to
30 must have been like
the most awful portion like where all of the awful things happen not necessarily um
while it was yeah lily was a big portion and getting diagnosed with a rare disease
and getting divorced and meeting d and all that kind of stuff like yeah that
happened from 20 to 30
got married, all those kinds of things.
But 10 to 20 was a lot because I went from pre-adolescent to full-grown adult in those 10 years.
So from 10 to 13, that was fifth grade to middle school, I think.
Because we left Kansas in 7th grade to move to California.
Well, it was the summer after 7th grade.
So that would have been 5th, 6th, and 7th.
Yeah, so 5th grade.
5th grade was the year I was finally allowed to start shaving my legs,
which was amazing because I'm a hairy-ass motherfucker.
And my poor daughter.
Both my daughters.
Poor Lily.
Poor Lily.
Her whole back was covered in black hair.
Anyway, I finally got to start shaving my legs.
And we had the fifth grade graduation ceremony,
which was a huge,
you know,
whole big shebang graduation type thing that wasn't actually real.
But it was fun and I have a lot of good memories from it.
And then sixth grade came and I don't really remember a ton from sixth grade.
It wasn't, you know, the worst year school that I had.
That was when Hurricane Katrina happened.
I do remember that.
And that was pretty traumatic to watch.
And I wasn't even there.
So I can only imagine what it was like living there, especially after Jesus.
So in my early 20s,
I worked for a company that processed all of the insurance mortgage claims for a
bunch of
mortgage companies.
Um, and my territory was primarily the Gulf South.
so I had New Orleans,
South Texas,
New Orleans is in Louisiana,
and Mississippi.
I think those are my main States that I worked with.
just the constant devastation that these families were facing.
It was just never ending for them.
And I connected with a lot of people over the phone because of that.
I remember so much from Katrina and just every, every single part of it, it was wild.
The whole thing was wild.
And I wish I could say it was the most wild thing we've experienced in our lifetimes,
but any millennial knows that's not true.
And so, yeah, sixth grade was chill.
I turned 12 that year.
Um, at this point I was still a very highly competitive gymnast and that was sixth grade.
Yeah, that was that summer, I think.
That summer was my first summer at, um, nationals for the junior Olympian trampoline and tumbling.
And that was the year that I got second.
I think I got second that year.
Um, so yeah, I was a, you know, huge, huge gymnast.
I shouldn't say huge.
I wasn't, I was very tiny.
Actually, it was like five foot 90 pounds and skin and bones and abs.
Um, clearly that changed.
But yeah, so seventh grade, seventh grade was a shitty year, a really shitty year.
That was when we were I knew we were moving to California, but I couldn't tell anyone about it.
I don't know.
My mom's always been super secretive and it's kind of annoying sometimes.
But that was the year we found out we were moved to California and dad was gone all
the time,
which left my mom and I together in like one of the worst possible times,
considering that I was still pre-puberty because I still hadn't started puberty at all.
Like nothing, nothing had happened.
I'm assuming it was because of gymnastics and my low body fat percentage,
which is what all the other doctors said to me.
But all doctors, not other.
I'm not a doctor.
Yeah, my mom and I did not get along at all that entire year.
It was awful.
We fought nonstop.
We put both of each other's down.
Like I would just say shit to her just to be mean.
And she would say shit to me that I don't think she realized was putting me down.
you know,
and just feel the eating disorder type stuff and the feelings of not being worthy
or not being wanted.
And just like escalated all that to the point where I tried to run away from home.
But it didn't work out so well because it didn't go very far.
And my mom figured it out way too quickly.
So, you know, that was just a really, really shitty year.
I had a burn book written on me.
That was terrible by people I thought that were my closest friends.
I was very cautious with friendships after that point.
I kind of isolated myself a little bit when I moved to California because I was
very hesitant to have that happen again.
And I had heard just horrific things about California.
Turns out most of them were wrong.
I also... This is really weird.
But I had a stye on the bottom of my eyelid that went from one corner of my eye to
the other corner of my eye.
And it was so big I could literally flip it out of my eye.
And it hurt so bad.
Like, probably one of the worst things I've ever experienced.
And it just made me look so silly looking because my whole eye was swollen.
But you can't pop it.
And my mom kept putting up taking me to my doctor because, well, she's my mom.
There wasn't anything we could do except put,
which I learned now,
which also,
hot tip if you get styes,
don't use a warm washcloth.
Boil an egg, because when you heat it up, it stays hot for a really long time.
You wrap it in a towel,
but you can also just stick it back in the microwave to warm it up,
and it holds the heat a lot longer than a washcloth does.
That was the only way I finally got rid of my stye, because you can't pop them, even though you want to.
It was the worst.
literally the worst.
Um, but yeah, that year I also went to nationals.
Um, I did okay.
We went to Nashville that year, which was a lot of fun.
I got to see the Peabody hotel and Graceland and all that kind of stuff.
So I'm really, really happy.
I got to experience that because Elvis has always been a big, big part of my life because I'm a grandpa.
But yeah, after that, we moved to California.
And eighth grade, I didn't start my period until I was 14.
And eighth grade was, you know, it was challenging.
I was in a new school.
Oh, I totally skipped the part about the bassoon.
So in seventh grade, I started playing bassoon.
Because Taylor doesn't pay attention.
On like the first or second day of school in seventh grade in band,
My director is talking and talking about how they really need a bassoon player.
And I'm in my own world, like usual, thinking about other things.
And he had asked people if they wanted,
if there was anyone interested in learning to play the bassoon or the oboe.
My dumbass was needing to ask a question about something else.
What did I do?
Raised my hand.
Raised my hand and he was like, oh my gosh, Taylor, great.
You would be perfect for the bassoon.
And inside my eyes went wide, super wide.
And I was like, oh my God, what the fuck did I just get myself into?
But guess what?
It turned out to be the best thing to happen for me because I ended up playing
bassoon for the rest of my life.
My educational career,
I went on a music scholarship in college,
and I was in all-state bands,
and I ended up really,
really loving the bassoon,
and now it's paying off because I can read bassline while I'm learning piano.
But I was in music since elementary school.
My whole family, both sides are musicians, so...
It was kind of expected, but thankfully I loved it.
But yeah, I stumbled into learning how to play the bassoon on accident.
So that was a fun one.
Taught myself, had a few lessons, but I taught myself how to play it.
And then that was seventh that we moved to California.
That was eighth grade.
I was in music there.
That was my first year doing an all state band and I just absolutely loved it.
It was so much fun.
Um, so I was, you know, first bassoon chair for all state California.
Um, and yeah, that was eighth grade.
Eighth grade was interesting because I was in an outdoor school.
Never seen that before.
I had all these new friends and all these new classes.
There were certain parts where I was smarter and certain parts where I was dumber
and the whole thing was just chaos.
I had like 12 boyfriends that year.
It was also a year I dated this guy.
where I broke up with him over the phone and he didn't know it.
And I mainly broke up with him because of his bad breath.
I didn't want to kiss him.
So terrible.
I'm such a crazy person sometimes, but.
Anyway, yeah.
So after that, you know, I moved to ninth grade and that was freshman year.
And where I went to school, the freshmen had their own campus, which was awesome.
Absolutely awesome.
And I was in marching band because for whatever reason, that's what I thought I needed to be doing.
Newsflash, I hated it.
But had I not joined marching band, I would not have met my girl's dad.
So my now ex-husband, Joey, and I met in high school.
I was a freshman.
I was 14 years old.
He was 15, and we met in marching band.
And he was a drummer.
I was a flute player.
We started chatting on MySpace, and we started dating.
And then we didn't stop until 2023.
Yeah, 2023.
So we started dating in 2008.
I guess we didn't date until 2023 because we started dating ourselves probably a year into our marriage.
But so I met Joey.
And after that point, most of my life revolved around him.
I definitely isolated myself from a lot of my friends.
you know,
there was that,
but I made a lot of good friends that I had for years,
but unfortunately I don't talk to many of them anymore.
Um, so my freshman year was pretty basic.
Met Joey, fell in love.
And then, you know, we spent every day together.
Once I moved to the big high school campus, it was even worse.
You know, every 10 seconds we were with each other if we weren't in class.
But the rest of high school was pretty uneventful until my senior year.
When Joey went off to college, he went to UCLA.
And I was still senior.
That was when...
I met the guy who would end up really screwing with my head for a very long time.
We worked together at the gymnastics place that I worked at because I was a
tumbling coach and a preschool coach.
And my boyfriend was gone and I was desperate for attention because I wasn't getting it from him.
And so I sought out any attention I could get and this guy gave it to me.
And eventually it led to a lot of really terrible things and I could not back away for some reason.
I just couldn't get myself to do it.
And a lot of horrible things happened to me by him.
that I don't think I should discuss over a podcast that definitely deserves its own whole post.
I mean, I didn't even tell anyone until two years ago.
Like, no one knew about it.
So, but it definitely changed a lot of things about my life.
So this was 17, 18, and I think it changed the trajectory of, you know,
a lot of why I was so emotionally reclusive, um, because I was quite ashamed of what I was doing.
Um, even though it was being done to me for the most part, but I did keep going back.
Um, and because of it, I tried to break up with Joey, but it didn't work.
He ultimated me and said, I'm never going to talk to you again, or we can get back together.
And I couldn't
handled never talking to him again.
So we got back together.
Um, and that was that.
And I kept going to this guy's house secretly.
No one knew, no one knew anything.
My parents, no one, um, not even my best friends.
They didn't know anything.
I was just kept it all to myself.
Um, and so that was that year.
And every year Joey had some kind of military training for ROTC cause he was going
to be Marine Corps officer.
So he was gone.
And that was when that August I left for band camp,
because I was on a vocal and instrumental scholarship at,
California Baptist university,
which was awful.
Um, I don't regret going there, but it still sucked a lot, a lot of times, not all the time though.
But so this is 18 and go to college and the freedom was amazing.
but I also learned that freedom comes with consequence,
because I was now free to eat and drink whatever I wanted.
And that was not necessarily a good thing.
this is how I ended up drinking two giant coffee mugs full of coffee and just then
subsequently not being able to drink coffee for the next year.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I have to interrupt our podcast to let you know that one of my boys,
his tail is wrapped up over his neck.
It's so cute.
Anyway, anyway, um,
So yeah, freshman year.
Freshman year was intense.
I lived with, I dormed with a girl I went to high school with who were really good friends.
But unfortunately, living together ruined our friendship.
It really did.
I learned that when it is my own very, very own space.
It is my responsibility for every single part of it.
I don't like it messy,
which was a huge shock to everybody who knew me in high school or really any part
of my life before then because my rooms were always disgustingly messy.
It's so funny because now I organize for a living and can be a little bit of a clean freak sometimes.
But that was 18 to 19.
And then I think Joey went on another...
another trip, but maybe not.
No, that was the year we went to Kansas and somewhere else.
I don't remember where else we went together,
but yeah,
we did a lot of traveling that summer and it was a lot of fun.
Um, and then that was Joey's junior year.
sophomore and junior year.
Cause I graduated college in three years.
Um, and that was 19 and we got engaged that Christmas.
Um, so at 19, I was engaged to be married and I was over the moon.
That was all I wanted.
Um, I, all I wanted in life was to get married and have children.
Um, it's so funny how life plays out, but yeah,
That was also the year that my eating disorder,
my anxiety,
my depression,
my OCD all just came to a really bad head and ended up causing me to be very ill
for a very long time.
And you know why?
Because I didn't talk to anybody.
I didn't tell anybody what was going on.
I didn't tell anybody how bad my phobias were.
I didn't tell anybody how bad my anxiety was.
I didn't tell anybody how obsessive my brain was.
I didn't do any of that.
And so what does that mean?
It means I was alone and it just built,
and ended up causing me a ton of physical health problems.
I was skipping classes,
lying to people,
I mean,
all that kind of stuff,
barely eating,
Um, it was just not, not a good, not a good time for me.
Um, and this was also what I became a group exercise instructor and a personal trainer.
Toast forgot about that.
That was the beginning of that.
And which was probably one of the few amazing things that happened during college.
But yeah, that year, that year was rough.
The year I turned 20, so that would have been 2014.
And I got married the very next year.
So that'll be the beginning of 20 to 30.
I have no idea if I managed to get everything in here.
but hopefully I did.
And if you found this interesting, can you let me know?
Or if you really want to hear me talk about something or an experience, you know, let me know.
I've done a lot.
And I feel like I'm constantly forgetting things like, Oh yeah, that happened too.
So yeah, but that has been a singular singleton Taylor only episode of the curiosity chronicles.
And I hope you enjoy, and I can't wait to talk to you guys next time.
Bye for now.
WTF Happened to Taylor - Age 10-20